🇩🇪 /🇨🇭 Constance (Konstanz) and Thurgau as Seen from the West - a gouache painting by Johann Heinrich Bleuler the Younger from 1836.
Constance is a pretty city in southern Germany, close to the border with Switzerland. Lake Constance (in German: Bodensee) is named after it.
#JohannHeinrichBleulerTheYounger #Konstanz #Bodensee #Constance #LakeConstance #FascinatingEurope #Europa #Europe #ArchitecturalRevival #heritage #Germany #Switzerland #Schweiz #Swiss #Suisse #art #artwork #vintage #Thurgau
#johannheinrichbleulertheyounger #konstanz #bodensee #LakeConstance #fascinatingeurope #Europa #europe #architecturalrevival #heritage #germany #switzerland #schweiz #swiss #suisse #art #artwork #vintage #thurgau #constance
Good Morning ☕️ here’s a picture of Lake Constance - or Bodensee - I took a few weeks ago. It was definitely T-shirt weather - in October. If you squint you can see Switzerland and the Swiss mountains on the other side.
#photography #sunshine #LakeConstance #Germany #Bodensee
#photography #sunshine #LakeConstance #Germany #bodensee