Illustration in "Lancelot du Lac" (manuscript copied in Poitiers 1480'

BnF, Manuscripts, French 111 fol. 9

Morgan, Arthur's sister, one day caught the knight she loved in the arms of another young lady. She bewitched the place and decided that any knight passing through this valley would be condemned to stay there if he failed in love. For twenty years, two hundred and fifty three knights have been living there with their mistresses, without anyone being able to leave it. This Val is for them "without return", until the day when will deliver them a knight with the heart which will never have failed in love: Lancelot.

#art #medieval #arthur #Lancelot #knight #myth #book #illustration #magic #enchantress #sorceress #painting

Last updated 1 year ago

RT for : Go raibh mhaith agat!


6. of , a ring given to Sir by the Lady of the Lake which could dispel any . In Le Chevalier de la Charrette it is given to him by a instead. He used the ring to cross the .

#celtic #LegendaryWednesday #ring #Dispel #Lancelot #enchantment #faerie #SwordBridge #mythologymonday

Last updated 2 years ago

: The `Summer Land/Country` is a name used in some texts to describe the land of , the ogre who held queen hostage until the fine Knight rescued her. It is also often used to describe the , where the weather is always fair, flowers bloom endlessly, and fruit hangs ripe off the trees.
Source: Patricia Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and Folklore`

#LegendaryWednesday #Meleagant #Guinevere #Lancelot #celtic #otherworld #mythology

Last updated 2 years ago