LIVE 4/26/23 8:00PM ET ***Kingdom RUMBLE CHANNEL*** (see link below) #RevelationRedPill Ep10- Destroying the Myth that God's #LandPromises are only for the Jews and Israel. Modern End Times theology is destructive to God's Creation, it teaches that the world must get worse & worse before Jesus comes back & that the #blessingsofAbraham are just for #Israel. This ideology has given evil men free reign to destroy God's beautiful creation and fill it with high rises, pollute the rivers and waterways, and stuff humans into suffocating cities. #Christians need to reclaim the land promises of God and then the Almighty can once again bless the nations. When God took the children of Israel into the Promised Land they were experiencing the fulfillment of God's Covenant to Abraham! Watch!!! 👇👇👇
#christians #israel #blessingsofAbraham #LandPromises #REVELATIONREDPILL