That Loch Tay petition is gaining traction. Just as well, as it’s pretty important for Scotland. The continued Disneyfication of the country, when people can’t afford to live and work in rural areas is a problem 200 years old. Lack of access to land for housing and infrastructure pushes people to the margins and away from their homes. #Scotland #LandOwnership #RuralJustice
#ruraljustice #Landownership #scotland
Proposed Land Ownership Bill (Scotland)
A members bill that seeks to change the parameters of ownership rights and duties is being proposed by Villalba (Labour MSP). Please read it (it does not take long) and provide feedback. IMHO, while not perfect it does make significant changes that will help communities in Scotland and the whole country. Your review can improve it.
The link for consultation is here -
#control #Landownership #scottishindependence #scotland
Alt math air an tìr, a cleachdadh, a cànan agus cò leis i.
Good article on #LandOwnership and discussion of #Gaelic toponymy.
#highlands #mastodaoine #scotland #landrights #gaelic #Landownership
From “The Social Distance Between Us” by Darren McGarvey. #wealthinequality #Landownership #scotland #uk
#uk #scotland #Landownership #wealthinequality
Andy Wightman nails the through-the-looking-glass topsy-turvy world of Scottish land ownership...
#irony #Landownership #land #scotpol #scotland
“There are over 30 countries where women don’t have the same rights to #landownership and face severe customary and normative constraints"
Marlene Elias, @CGIAR and @BiovIntCIAT_eng, shared hopes and expectations for the GBF framework regarding the formalization of #landtenure
#Landownership #landtenure #cop15