I couldn't resist the Back2School sale of Lingodeer and subscribed for the lifetime license for LD and LD plus. I already used it 2 years ago for Japanese and it was quite good for pattern drill. Also the stories were nice.
Now I try to improve my Korean skills.
#langtoot #languagelovers #languagelearning #korean #한극알 #산극어
#langtoot #LanguageLovers #languagelearning #korean #한극알 #산극어
Pons is maybe not the best choice for Asian languages but I guess this book isn't half as bad. Especially the introduction for Hangeul. Lots textbooks and apps leave this part out where the shape of the letter is linked to where the consonant is formed in the mouth. So I couldn't resist.
The German title is a pun, because it can mean "Being in love in Korea" or "Being in love with Korea".
#languagelearning #LanguageLovers #langtoot #langtwt
Sometimes I think you can just translate every Japanese verb with "to smurf" without changing the meaning ...
@languagelovers #languagelovers
参加[さんか] vs 出場[しゅつじょう] vs 出席[しゅっせき]
参加 is the general term for joining or participation to an event, a project, a party or so. In a competition, anybody from athlete to referee or spectator can be considered 参加者.
出場 is used for taking part in a contest. Only the athletes are called 出場者.
出席 means presence. It's used for events where you are seated like a conference or a lecture.
@languagelovers #languagelovers
#日本語 類義語 #Japanese
#LanguageLovers #日本語 #japanese
Five big lies about Japanese language:
1) Japanese has no plural
2) In Japanese there are only two irregular verbs
3) Syllables are pronounced allways the same
4) The verb is always at the end
5) Katakane is solely used for loan words
#LanguageLovers #japanese #日本語
Did you know that the ない-stem or 未然形 is the only verb stem in Japanese where each verb class has an unique ending?
When it ends in an ~e or ~i mora, it's ichidan (eru/iru-verbs):
食べる→食べない→食べ 🟢
落ちる→落ちない→落ち 🟢
When it ends in an ~a mora, it's godan (u-verbs):
読む→読まない→読ま 🟢
買う→買わない→買わ 🟢
Let's try a "chameleon" verb:
帰る→帰らない→帰ら 🟢
Godan, obviously
And it even works with i-adjectives:
Maybe not useful but nice to know.
#LanguageLovers #日本語 #japanese
とる take; pick up; grab; catch; steal; record; have, ...
One of the verbs beginners learn very early. Written as 取る it can convey lots of meanings.
If you want to clarify the meaning, you can write it with other kanji:
撮る take a photo
録る record with a recorder (eg. music; film)
採る collect (eg. plants; insects); harvest
穫る 獲る harvest
捕る catch (an animal)
摂る to have (eg. lunch); to take (eg. vitamins)
盗る steal
Best to learn with collocations.
#LanguageLovers #japanese #日本語
増える 【ふえる】 vs 増やす【ふやす】 vs 増す【ます】
増える (itr) and 増やす (tr) are used for increase of mass, volume, quantity, etc.. It cannot be used for level, speed, degree, etc.
My savings have increased
I increased my savings
増す (itr/tr) can substitute 増える and 増やす, and it can be used for level, speed, degree too.
The speed increased
I increased the speed
@languagelovers #languagelovers #langtoot #languagelearning #Japanese #synonyms #N4 #N3 #日本語 #類義語
#LanguageLovers #langtoot #languagelearning #japanese #synonyms #n4 #n3 #日本語 #類義語
I was so envios when I saw all the guys using a tablet for studying. But now I got one myself. And it's sooo much fun compared to paper.
Do you use electronic gadgets for studying languages?
予防【よぼう】 vs 防止【ぼうし】 - prevention
A great example where you can guess the distinction from the kanji:
防 protect
予 beforehand
止 stop
予防 = beforehand protection = precaution. It means preventing sth from happening, like a vaccination (予防接種).
防止 = protect and stop = mitigation; confinement; preventing a bad situation from getting worse, like a fire from spreading.
@languagelovers #languagelovers #langtoot #languagelearning #Japanese #synonyms #N3 #日本語 #類義語
#LanguageLovers #langtoot #languagelearning #japanese #synonyms #n3 #日本語 #類義語
やっと vs とうとう vs ついに - finally
The adverb やっと means, that something desireable has been achieved by a process of gradual changes.
とうとう means, that somehing expected has happend spontanously. The result is usually seen negative from the speakers perspective.
ついに can substitute both, but it can't be used if the outcome is the result of natural process:
@languagelovers #languagelovers #langtoot #languagelearning #Japanese #synonyms #N4 #日本語 #類義語
#LanguageLovers #langtoot #languagelearning #japanese #synonyms #n4 #日本語 #類義語
production (film, book)
production (of goods); manufacturing
Film production (えいがせいさく) can be written with both kanji, but the meaning is slightly different. While 映画制作 only refers to the filming, 映画製作 means the whole process from planning, over filming, to marketing and release.
製造【せいぞう】 has a similar meaning like 製作, but it refers to large goods such as cars, boats (see 作る/造る).
@languagelovers #languagelovers #languagelearning #langtoot
#Japanese #synonyms #N3 #日本語 #類義語
#類義語 #日本語 #n3 #synonyms #japanese #langtoot #languagelearning #LanguageLovers
発達 vs 発展, what's the difference? Both mean developpement.
発達 means sophistication, improvement, personal growth. It's from the POV of the subject, that's why it's used also for diseases, eg. "ガンが発達する"
発展 is more like expansion (経済発展 - economic growth) or change (事件に発展する turn into an incident).
Used as suru verbs, both are intranstive.
@languagelovers #languagelovers #languagelearning #langtoot
#Japanese #synonyms #N3 #日本語 #類義語
#類義語 #日本語 #n3 #synonyms #japanese #langtoot #languagelearning #LanguageLovers