Angie · @CaliforniaMerch
0 followers · 57 posts · Server

Yep, another Twitter-fleeing person, and a Californian to boot. 😉 Photo is hubby and I at our State's most famous theme park.
Happy to be here, a siarad cymraeg, even though I am still learning. Not a Welsh girl by birth, just a descendant filled with hiraeth for a place I have never lived. 💚🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
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Diolch. 🖐

#BritishTelevision #cuteanimals #particlephysics #history #LanguageSnob

Last updated 2 years ago

azteclady · @herhandsmyhands
244 followers · 1433 posts · Server

Random thought: someone who knows better correct me if I'm wrong, but, if you say that a male character's voice "dropped several octaves", that either means it's below human hearing range, or his normal speaking voice is really high, right?

Saying, "his voice dropped to a growl" or some such serves the same purpose and works better, IMO.

#LanguageSnob #ReaderThoughts

Last updated 2 years ago