most recent measurements for ,
1. UCL PM2.5 = 27.5 ug/m^3
2. UCL PM2.5-related xs deaths = 2180
3. UCL PM2.5 - 14% above levels, 235% above W levels, 338% above levels in , 356% above levels in .

#stateofglobalair #pm25 #LaoPDR #ASEAN #europe #Australasia #northamerica #badaqikills

Last updated 2 years ago

from for ( not available) allows one to reasonable infer that from are likely to persist across the region. % energy source breakdown in relative terms, and in terawatt-hours (by country), +
1. 71.35%, 856
2. 60.98%, 848
3. 75.4%, 1698
4. 85.6%, 447
5. 56.5%, 651
6. 85.9%, 823

#energydata #ourworldindata #ASEAN #brunei #cambodia #LaoPDR #myanmar #healthimpacts #toxic #airpollution #oil #coal #vietnam #Thailand #indonesia #philippines #malaysia #singapore #SDG11 #goodaqisaveslives #badairkills

Last updated 2 years ago

A recent report from the Univ. of Hlth Sci. in identified substantial related for street vendors who prepare charcoal/wood grilled meats. Also, the was/is disproportionately 'weighted' toward . avg. annual est. levels are 5X the (2000, 2005, 2010-17) w/2019 avg. levels resulting in >8000 xs deaths. Poor econ. cond.+ ltd. occup. & env. htlth. regs make a lethal combo.

#vientiane #airpollution #healthrisk #risk #laotian #women #LaoPDR #pm25 #whoaqg

Last updated 2 years ago

The 2022 'Get Clean and Green' report looks at the state of in , and its shortcomings. Key pts. incl.,
1. saw incr. by 66% from 2000 to 2015.
2. 40-60% Vientiane and 80% solid waste ended in .
3. No govt-based prgm. Industry-based only.
4. COVID-induced decline in recycl. and an incr. in .
5. No centralised wste mngmnt scheme.
6. offers an Roadmap

#sdgs #npap #worldbank #plastics #singleuse #recycling #landfill #luangprabang #solidwaste #vientiane #LaoPDR #wastemanagement

Last updated 2 years ago

A 2019 report looking at the status of found 1. a rudimentary legal platform that reg. waste as either 'general' or , 2. that even as a signatory, laws addressing mvmnt lack financial and operational resources for effctv. implementation. Further challenges lie ahead esp. w/a population-based rate of urbanisation incr. by 35% and accel. econ. investm. from regional counterparts , , and .

#Thailand #Jpn #china #hazardouswaste #basel #hazardous #wastemanagement #LaoPDR #JICA

Last updated 2 years ago