Some of the other birds we encountered were Scarlet Honeyeaters, an Azure Kingfisher, a Rufous Fantail, and a Large-Billed Scrubwren.
#bird #AustralianWildlife #WildOz #ScarletHoneyeater #AzureKingfisher #RufousFantail #LargeBilledScrubwren
#bird #AustralianWildlife #wildoz #ScarletHoneyeater #azurekingfisher #RufousFantail #LargeBilledScrubwren
Spent the last half hour or so in the backyard spotting birds.
There were some scrubwrens (White-browed, and Large-billed)
#bird #AustralianWildlife #WhiteBrowedScrubwren #LargeBilledScrubwren #nature
#nature #LargeBilledScrubwren #WhiteBrowedScrubWren #AustralianWildlife #bird
Quite a few Large-billed Scrubwrens in the backyard this morning, busily chirping away.
Here’s a rather curious one that let me get off a couple of shots before flitting away.
#bird #photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #LargeBilledScrubwren
#LargeBilledScrubwren #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird
A Large-billed Scrubwren, spotted in my backyard just now. (Yet another small brown bird)
#AustralianWildlife #Bird #photo #nature #LargeBilledScrubwren
#LargeBilledScrubwren #nature #photo #bird #AustralianWildlife