Much pacier and written in a more obviously modern style than Ringworld (I know it's written 10 years later). The story still handles hard SF concepts really well with an original vision of the future. #LarryNiven #RingworldEngineers #SFbooks #SciFi
#LarryNiven #ringworldengineers #sfbooks #scifi
#ttrpg #scifi #dreampark #larryniven
64) My next game was bought due to a love of Larry Niven books. A little-known book, and a little-known game, "Dream Park". Set in the theme park imagined by Niven and Barnes, it shared some elements with Cyberpunk (and was by the same creative company).
#ttrpg #scifi #DreamPark #LarryNiven
Thank you, Louis Wu, for the best advice when dealing with a depressing topic:
“I will get over this one day, so I might as well start right now.”
#thankafictionalcharacter #LarryNiven
#SciFiFantasyReviews: Ringworld
I'm late to this sci-fi classic: Ringworld by Larry Niven. Niven has, especially through the series of the Ringworld books, become one of the most renowned and respected writers of the genre, often listed as a successor of Golden Age authors like Bradbury, Asimov and Clarke. ...
#larryniven, #Books, #Movies, #TVShows, #Review
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#review #tvshows #Movies #Books #LarryNiven #scififantasyreviews
Back in the 80s, licenses were a big thing. We're back there now, with so many games, but the 80s were something special.
#LarryNiven's #Ringworld was a #TTRPG from #Chaosium that presented the world of the novel and wider Known Space in a hefty boxed set using a variant of the #BRP system.
Great art and solid components. Books (188 pages) covering Explorer (characters), Tech, Creatures, and Ringworld, plus a Companion with more options. It has considerable collector value.
Lovely game.
#LarryNiven #ringworld #ttrpg #chaosium #brp
A World Out of Time (Larry Niven) - A dying man who had himself frozen as a last throw of the dice is revived in the future and trained to pilot a starship terraforming distant planets for a police state. He hijacks his own ship and takes a round trip through the galactic core... #books #larryniven
Another one from the collection (c. 1984)
#shelfie #LarryNiven #scifi #chaosium #Ringworld #ttrpg
Another one from the collection (c. 1984)
#shelfie #LarryNiven #scifi #chaosium #Ringworld #ttrpg
Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex
In which #SF legend #LarryNiven describes the perils of having a horny #Superman at large in the world.
Well, I'm a bit with you on the "any sufficiently advanced tech is indistinguishable from magic" thing. When too much of that is in the forefront, it can diminish my enjoyment. That being said, I've been watching "Orphan Black" with my wife and it's pretty enjoyable.
As for #LarryNiven, you are welcome! Pick up #Ringworld or the short story collection #NeutronStar.
#LarryNiven #Ringworld #NeutronStar