#WakeUpAmerica #LastCallAmerica
#America, #WeThePeople CAN NO LONGER KICK THE CAN DOWN THE ROAD! There is no more room to kick it! 2023 is it, #Repent or perish! We ALL must as We the People #Lawfully deal with once and for all the #MainstreamMedia, they can NO LONGER be ignored, muted, etc. They are promoting the #Globalist Narrative in #PopulationReduction and Kill us! It is us or them! Remember, taking no action they will go after #Disabled people like ME, the #NursingHomes, Hospice Cares, those who can not fight back, to get some answers please watch the shows on #RadioAmericaUSA as they provide #Constitutional solutions! https://www.radioamericausa.com
#constitutional #RadioAmericaUSA #nursinghomes #disabled #populationreduction #globalist #MainstreamMedia #Lawfully #repent #wethepeople #America #LastCallAmerica #wakeupamerica
It is TIME, ONCE FOR ALL if you want to really save #America to GET OUT OF BOTH #Democrats & #Republicans - Leave the #UniParty! There REALLY ARE other alternatives! #WakeUpAmerica #LastCallAmerica
#LastCallAmerica #wakeupamerica #uniparty #Republicans #Democrats #America