We are extremely proud and excited to make this MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! RaicesCyberOrg in partnership with our Strategic Educational Partner The CARE Lab at Temple are announcing today that will be held in the Campus OCTOBER 6th and 7th, 2023. SAVE THE DATE.
We continue to work on more details, so stay tuned to this account and our WEBSITE raicescyber.org for more details.

#raicescon2023 #templeuniversity #hispanic #hispanos #hispanas #latin #latinos #latinas #latinx #cybersecurity #cyber #cybersecurityawarenessmonth #LatinosInCyber #LatinasInCyber #cyberdiversity #raices #RaicesCyber #2023yearofraicescyber #conference #conference2023

Last updated 2 years ago

What an Amazing YEAR 2022 was for RaicesCyberOrg! Our First FULL year of operations and WHAT AN IMPACT to the and our In the Field of !!! Stand BY for MORE AMAZING THINGS/ Educational Events/ Networking/ Mentoring and much more in 2023!!!
TAKE ACTION NOW: lnkd.in/ewCs5VKu
Support us as we work to increase the 4% Representation of and as we increase

#hispanics #latinos #latinas #latinx #allies #cybersecurity #hispanos #cyberdiversity #2023yearofraicescyber #RaicesCyber #nonprofit #dei #diversityintech #diversityincyber #HispanicsInCyber #LatinosInCyber #LatinasInCyber #LatinXInCyber

Last updated 2 years ago

We are Incredibly excited to announce our 2023 Advisory Board members. This Advisory board will help us in our mission of increasing the 4% representation of , , and in the field of . Our 2023 Advisory Board is a collection of amazing and talented professionals from industry and academia and just happens to be some of our most trusted and admired people. We are lucky to have you with us on this Journey!

The advisory board is a completely volunteer group of outside Cybersecurity and Technology experts that give advice and support Executive Team of Raices Cyber Org. They serve to help direct the strategic mission, direction, and longevity of the organization. The advisory board has the duty of directing, mentoring and advising the Executive Director and Executive leadership team on the organization’s way forward.

#hispanics #latinos #latinas #latinx #cybersecurity #nonprofit #board #advisoryboard #cyber #boardofadvisors #executives #HispanicsInCyber #LatinosInCyber #LatinasInCyber #LatinXInCyber #infosec #donate #leadership #familia #2023yearofraicescyber #diversity #diveristyandinclusion #dei

Last updated 2 years ago

Today, January 12, 2023, we are elated to announce that Raíces Cyber Org has partnered with Google to help make the cybersecurity workforce more diverse and to Increase the representation of , , and in the field of .

With Google’s support, we will be able to expand our reach and impact, providing even more people with the tools, experiences and knowledge they need to obtain careers in cybersecurity. We will also be able to invest in new initiatives that will help us to create career training for career changers and new entrants into the industry.

I cannot say Thank you enough to for entrusting us and allowing us to support more people across the US and the World!

#hispanics #latinos #latinas #latinx #cybersecurity #google #research #learning #engineering #team #experience #cyber #nonprofit #sponsor #breakingnews #donate #networking #fundraising #diversity #change #share #dei #LatinosInCyber #LatinasInCyber #latinxcincyber #support #thankyou #people #help #training #careers

Last updated 2 years ago

Merry Christmas/ Feliz Navidad to the RaicesCyberOrg
Familia, Hope you have a great day with family and friends! May all you wishes and desires come true. Join us at bio.link/raicescy

#hispanicincyber #LatinosInCyber #LatinasInCyber #LatinXInCyber #unidossepuede #unitedwecan #cyber #cybersecurity #infosec #infosecurity #students

Last updated 2 years ago