Emmanuel Todd: World War III has already started?
epicenter Ukraine
Western war against Russia and China
#CrossTalk #Szamuely #Laughland #Mihailovich
#unido #cultural #hegemony #woke #gender
@ 12:15
“To much of the world, this just seems so bizarre.”
#gender #woke #hegemony #cultural #unido #Mihailovich #Laughland #Szamuely #crosstalk
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/mmeeuw/status/1603509213065510912#m
RT by @AnonOpsSE: Solovyev, Russian fellow traveller of Dutch quisling politician @thierrybaudet and Baudet's Kremlin liaison #Laughland wants to bomb the dikes in The Netherlands to sink our country in order to prevent a tribunal for Russian war crimes in The Hague. #fvd
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/mmeeuw/status/1595092479224823808#m
RT by @AnonOpsSE: Pro Russia director John #Laughland of the Dutch right wing political party @fvdemocratie doesn’t like to be remembered that the English anti-terrorism police detained him at Gatwick and “questioned him for being a Russian spy” according to @thierrybaudet