Look I'm really just looking for an excuse for #HelenHunt and #LauraDern to be in another movie together.
We could even call it The #Bechdel Test and it could be a not-very subtle allegory on how #women run *everything* better. Lets see, have #Lizzo, #SandraOh, #DollyParton, #ShohrehAghdashloo, and they're all top scientists and legislators and they get to work solving the world's problems and all the d00dz are either doddering insane comedic relief or eye candy like that Tatum feller.
#shohrehaghdashloo #DollyParton #SandraOh #lizzo #women #bechdel #LauraDern #HelenHunt
Se vi siete persi questa chicca nella filmografia di David Lynch, allora è giunto il momento di rimediare....
#JuleeCruise #DavidLynch #AngeloBadalamenti #NicolasCage #LauraDern #TwinPeaks #music #performance #demon #disturbing #renna #shock #horror #IndustrialSymphonyNo1 #TheDreamoftheBrokenhearted #LisaGiobbi #FélixBlaska #JohnSchwartzman #movie #movies #cinema #music #AndréBadalamenti #film #concert
#juleecruise #davidlynch #AngeloBadalamenti #nicolascage #LauraDern #twinpeaks #music #performance #demon #disturbing #renna #shock #horror #industrialsymphonyno1 #thedreamofthebrokenhearted #lisagiobbi #felixblaska #johnschwartzman #movie #movies #cinema #andrebadalamenti #film #concert
I just picked up the new #book by #LauraDern and #DianeLadd—Honey, Baby, Mine—so I felt it was my duty to post this deliciously over-the-top scene with them in Wild at Heart:
#Movies #dianeladd #LauraDern #book
🎬 "Blue Velvet" is the most American of modern American films. #DavidLynch (1986).
#movies #DennisHopper #cinema #DeanStockwell #KyleMcLachlan #LauraDern #IsabellaRossellini #neonoir #NorthCarolina #Horror #classic #TCMParty
#TCMParty #classic #horror #northcarolina #neonoir #isabellarossellini #LauraDern #kylemclachlan #DeanStockwell #cinema #dennishopper #Movies #davidlynch
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Please Indulge Our Guesses for Succession's 'Mega-Twist' https://jezebel.com/please-indulge-our-guesses-for-successions-mega-twist-1850312156 #Jezebel #norafanshaw28scarlettjohansson29 #englishlanguagefilms #aleksanderskarsgard #scarlettjohansson #ispregnantkerry #americanculture #creativeworks #rupertmurdoch #gregfinally #laurawasser #norafanshaw #succession #lauradern #wattpad #shivroy #jezebel #romulus #pierce #connor #films #kerry #logan #willa
#jezebel #norafanshaw28scarlettjohansson29 #englishlanguagefilms #aleksanderskarsgard #scarlettjohansson #ispregnantkerry #americanculture #creativeworks #rupertmurdoch #gregfinally #laurawasser #norafanshaw #succession #LauraDern #wattpad #shivroy #romulus #pierce #connor #films #kerry #logan #willa
#dietrolamaschera di #peterbodganovich #royleedennis detto Rocky per la passione di sua madre per il rock, è stato un ragazzo che all’eta di due anni ha dovuto iniziare a combattere contro la displasia craniodiafisaria, una terribile malattia degenerativa che aumenta in maniera incontrollabile i depositi di calcio sul cranio. Oltre a terrificanti emicranie, gravi problemi con la vista e l’udito... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=10456 #mastocinema #mastofilm #cinema #film #cher #ericstolz #lauradern
#dietrolamaschera #peterbodganovich #royleedennis #mastocinema #mastofilm #cinema #film #cher #ericstolz #LauraDern
El 10 de febrero de 1967 nace la actriz Laura Dern, la Vicealmirante Amilyn Holdo.
On February 10, 1967, actress Laura Dern, Vice-Admiral Amilyn Holdo, was born.
#holdo #amilynholdo #LauraDern #starwars
Hugh Jackman, Zach McGrath e Laura Dern in The Son (2022) per la regia di Florian Zeller
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #FlorianZeller #HughJackman #ZachMcGrath #LauraDern #BenSmithard #TheSon
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #florianzeller #hughjackman #zachmcgrath #LauraDern #bensmithard #theson
Nothing breaks in a new social media account like a photo of #LauraDern interviewing #TaylorSwift at the DGA today, discussing her #ShortFilm for the Academy? Never imaged I’d hear a pop star seriously reference #Cassavettes and #SilviaPlath in the same breath but here we are!
#silviaplath #cassavettes #shortfilm #taylorswift #LauraDern
Jurassic World: Dominion è peggior punteggio Rotten Tomatoes della saga #BryceDallasHoward #chrispratt #JeffGoldblum #JurassicPark #jurassicworld #jurassicworlddominion #LauraDern #RottenTomatoes #samneill #11giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2lha2NsdWIuaXQvMjAyMi8wNi8wOS9qdXJhc3NpYy13b3JsZC1kb21pbmlvbi1qdXJhc3NpYy1wYXJrLXJvdHRlbi10b21hdG9lcy8/dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1yc3MmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1yc3MmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPWp1cmFzc2ljLXdvcmxkLWRvbWluaW9uLWp1cmFzc2ljLXBhcmstcm90dGVuLXRvbWF0b2Vz
#11Giugno #SamNeill #rottentomatoes #LauraDern #JurassicWorldDominion #jurassicworld #jurassicpark #jeffgoldblum #chrispratt #BryceDallasHoward
Jurassic World: Dominion è peggior punteggio Rotten Tomatoes della saga #BryceDallasHoward #chrispratt #JeffGoldblum #JurassicPark #jurassicworld #jurassicworlddominion #LauraDern #RottenTomatoes #samneill #10giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2lha2NsdWIuaXQvMjAyMi8wNi8wOS9qdXJhc3NpYy13b3JsZC1kb21pbmlvbi1qdXJhc3NpYy1wYXJrLXJvdHRlbi10b21hdG9lcy8/dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1yc3MmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1yc3MmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPWp1cmFzc2ljLXdvcmxkLWRvbWluaW9uLWp1cmFzc2ljLXBhcmstcm90dGVuLXRvbWF0b2Vz
#10giugno #SamNeill #rottentomatoes #LauraDern #JurassicWorldDominion #jurassicworld #jurassicpark #jeffgoldblum #chrispratt #BryceDallasHoward
Ich hatte gestern morgen schon eine Kurzkritik im Radio gehört. Die besagte im Prinzip: "schon wieder dasselbe". Hm. Erstens weiß ich nicht, was Personen erwarten, die in einen Dino-Katastrophenfilm gehen? Hamster? Zweitens ist das zudem dem Film gegenüber unfair, den ...
#BryceDallasHoward #ChrisPratt #ColinTrevorrov #JurassicWorld #JurassicWorldDominion #LauraDern #SamNeill
#SamNeill #LauraDern #JurassicWorldDominion #jurassicworld #ColinTrevorrov #chrispratt #BryceDallasHoward