I bumped into Lauren Boebert a couple of days ago. Since announcing her upcoming divorce, she's gone back to turning tricks. She told me she'd made $50,000.50.
"Which asshole only paid you 50¢?", I inquired?
"All of them," she replied.
I told her she shouldn't just rely on Ted Cruz, actually. Believe me.
#LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb never sounded truer... trully wished she had at least one daughter.... maybe a grand daughter named #Karma will wake her up!
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) boisterously complained about the "Black National Anthem" being played at Super Bowl LVII on Sunday -- and got trolled just as boisterously online for her whining. #Boebert #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb
#Boebert #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb
RT @ddanpereira@twitter.com
George Santos found a seat next to Matt Gaetz & Lauren Boebert. Perfect! Rapey McForehead #SantosMustGo #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb #morningjoe
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ddanpereira/status/1611959809863028736
#santosmustgo #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb #MorningJoe
#LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb #houseofrepresentatives #kevinmccarthy #politicalcartoon
#LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb #houseofrepresentatives #kevinmccarthy #politicalcartoon
Oh look at you two being stunning and brave. #slavaukraini #mattgaetzisacreep #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb
#SlavaUkraini #mattgaetzisacreep #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb
RT @middleageriot@twitter.com
Lauren Boebert is what would happen if someone tried to make dumb from concentrate but forgot to add water.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/middleageriot/status/1603059892775968768
#LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb she can't spell out a hashtag with her own name in it. #LaurenBoebertForPrison
(Screenshot is from Parler.)
#LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb #laurenboebertforprison
RT @taradublinrocks@twitter.com
You threatened to assassinate Nancy Pelosi on Jan 6th
You vote against gun reform
You gave guns to your kids for Xmas
You owned a restaurant where the servers wore guns on their hips
You love guns more than people
Shut the entire fuck up, Squeaky
#LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb https://twitter.com/laurenboebert/status/1594331779263086592
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/taradublinrocks/status/1594373372200513537
She’s so dumb she really will buy ocean front property in Arizona. #LaurenBoebertsProblems #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb
#LaurenBoebertsProblems #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb
RT @johnis44@twitter.com
What’s the loan rate on a GED these days? #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb
RT @Democrate20@twitter.com
Done ✅ #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb https://twitter.com/AdamForColorado/status/1556706466240684032
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Democrate20/status/1556887410100711425
I suspect that the people who think Lauren Boebert is clever are the same people who think “oh yeah?” is a great comeback.
I suspect that the people who think Lauren Boebert is clever are the same people who think “oh yeah?” is a great comeback.