Der Sonderforschungsbereich "#Recht und #Literatur" veranstaltet am 4. und 5. Mai 2023 in Münster eine interdisziplinäre Tagung zu "Virtuelle Investigationen. Zur Revision des Indizienparadigmas in Recht, Literatur und den Künsten".
📌Weitere Informationen + Programm: #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik #lawandliterature
#recht #literatur #fidavlnews #LawAndLiterature
#introduction Hi all, Ph.D. candidate in the English Department at Brown.
Interested in forms of law and forms of literature (particularly the Anglophone novel) throughout the 20C.
Authors of interest include #forster, #woolf, #lawrence, #achebe, #selvon, #murnane, #rebeccawest #alexiswright
Other areas of interest: #postcolonial #lawandliterature #marxism #hermeneutics #badiou #ranciere #criticallegalstudies #criticalracetheory #propertylaw #settlercolonialism
#introduction #Forster #Woolf #lawrence #achebe #selvon #murnane #rebeccawest #alexiswright #postcolonial #LawAndLiterature #marxism #hermeneutics #badiou #Ranciere #criticallegalstudies #CriticalRaceTheory #propertylaw #settlercolonialism
Attn JD students. (who we are reading this month for #LawAndLiterature reading Group is touring Australia in Feb (while I'm in the UK 😭😭). GO SEE THEM LIVE, IT'S AN EXPERIENCE.
Australia / New Zealand shows coming up in Feb '23. Every time I’m over, something so deep and beautiful happens: an encounter, a connection. Incredibly powerful place of the first ever people.