@vamanimal @Seirdy @signalapp @neurovagrant
Either you are criminally ignorant or refuse to acknowledge the existance of #Bulk #MassSurveillance 10+ years after #Snowden...
Do you think I'm a complete dipshit?
I literally worked on #LawfulInterception gear at a Telco!
#LawfulInterception #Snowden #masssurveillance #bulk
@neurovagrant @fla @Seirdy Relying on a #centralized #SingleVendor / #singleProvider solution like @signalapp / #Signal is even more dangerously naive as equally centralized solutions like #EncroChat or #ANØM:
Or do you naively believe governments that strictly enforce #LawfulInterception will just not care because it's #Signal?
Hell no!
There's a reason #XMPP - #OMEMO and other protocols where users own the keys are still around: Because they work and ain't Single-Vendor/Single-Provider!
#omemo #XMPP #LawfulInterception #anom #EncroChat #Signal #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
@Joseph @deviantollam me neither.
The only think that gets my blood boiling are lies that insult my intellect.
It's like with "#LoglessVPN|s" because if they actually existed, they'd be shut down instantly for violating #telco legislation and refusing to comply with #LawfulInterception and Court Orders...
#LawfulInterception #telco #loglessvpn
@JamesBaker @signalapp @openrightsgroup
Personally, I think the time for pleas and petitions is over:
What is needed are fully #decentralized, #SelfHosting-capable and #FLOSS'd as well as "#E2EE by default" comms and the full rejection of any #Cyberfacism.
This inevitably must include #ITAR & #WassenaarArrangement as well as designing systems to be hardened against attacks including "#LawfulInterception"...
I really need to work more on the #PocketCrypto:
#PocketCrypto #LawfulInterception #wassenaararrangement #itar #cyberfacism #e2ee #FLOSS #SelfHosting #decentralized
@aurynn @HopelessDemigod no, they ain't, because #Signal is a #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solution and thus will implement #Govware #Backdoors as per #CloudAct and regular "#LawfulInterception" laws required...
#LawfulInterception #cloudact #backdoors #govware #SingleProvider #singlevendor #Signal
@Fr_g @mforester @killyourfm @thunderbird
And OFC @protonmail will log everything...
just like every other provider will - because it's legally mandatory!
You can't name a single juristiction that doesn't have #SearchWarrants nor #LawfulInterception!
#LawfulInterception #SearchWarrants
@ilumium amd that's why noone.should.trust any #platform with #security or #encryption.
Or as @thegrugq once said:
" I’m gonna tell you a secret about “logless VPNs” — they don’t exist. Noone is going to risk jail for your $5/mo "
- https://mobile.twitter.com/thegrugq/status/1085614812581715968
Also "#LawfulInterception" exists and EVERY SINGLE PROVIDER WILL SNITCH ON CUSTOMERS before risking getting unplugged by regulators and to be hold in contempt for customer's actions.
#LawfulInterception #Encryption #Security #platform
@atomicpoet @zakiuem even Signal and Briar ain't good.
All #centralized and/or #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider Messenger Services are inherently insecure as they'll be obligated to comply with #Govware #backdoor requirements aka. " #LawfulInterception "...
Otherwise they'd be illegal and forcibly shut down by LEAs - just like #EncroChat was [which was also #insecure for the aforementioned reasons + being #CCSS and not #FLOSS thus not auditable]...
#FLOSS #ccss #insecure #EncroChat #LawfulInterception #backdoor #govware #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
Mit dem eklatanten Unterschied dass Signal als kommerzielle Firma nicht nur Backdoors für #LawfulInterception integrieren MUSS, sondern dass diese unnötige Daten wie Telefonnummern vorhalten und auf Basis dessen selektiv den Service einschränken können.
Wer garantiert, dass deren App für Russland nicht ne schwächere Crypto enthält um #ITAR-compliant zu sein?
Oder dass man nordkoreanischen & iranischen User*innen ne gebackdoorte App ohne #E2EE gibt?
#e2ee #itar #LawfulInterception
@thehackernews That's neither surprising nor new.
OFC #Threema will have #weaknesses.
It's called #Govware aka. #backdoors to comply with #LawfulInterception - as every #centralized, #proprietary #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solution will inevitably have!
#SingleProvider #singlevendor #proprietary #centralized #LawfulInterception #backdoors #govware #weaknesses #Threema
@timbray wrote an interesting article on why we can't have #privacy in messengers without protecting the bad guys as well and why this is not a totally bad thing:
#privacy #surveillance #security #law #LawfulInterception
@pluralistic I've read #Homeland and #LawfulInterception, I've enjoyed all the books in the series so far!
Deutsche Überwachungstechnik für Militärjunta
EU Sanktionen wurden umgangen
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/7953-20220313-deutsche-ueberwachungstechnik-fuer-militaerjunta.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/7953-20220313-deutsche-ueberwachungstechnik-fuer-militaerjunta.htm
Tags: #Utimaco #LIMS #LawfulInterception #Analysesystem #Militärjunta #Geheimdienste #Myanmar #EU-Sanktionen #Lauschangriff #Überwachung #Vorratsdatenspeicherung #Videoüberwachung #Rasterfahndung #Datenbanken #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Datenschutz #Datensicherheit #Datenskandale
#utimaco #LIMS #LawfulInterception #Analysesystem #militärjunta #geheimdienste #myanmar #eu #lauschangriff #überwachung #vorratsdatenspeicherung #videoüberwachung #rasterfahndung #datenbanken #Verbraucherdatenschutz #datenschutz #datensicherheit #datenskandale