🎯 Don't underestimate the power of a 'no.' Declining work that goes against your ethics might inspire others to evaluate their own ethical compass. #LeadByExample #PersonalEthics
#personalethics #LeadByExample
Letztes WE als Teil meiner Charity-Bike-Tour 2023 beim Ultracycling-Event #24hbrelingerberg mitgefahren. 502km (29 Runden à 17km) mit komplettem RaceAcrossGermany unsupported Gepäck inkl. Daunenjacke und Essen bei 28 Grad 🤣 Lief top! Würde mich über euren Support meiner World-Bicycle-Relief-Spendenaktion freuen (Link)! Habe selbst 37 Räder gespendet, weil ich das Konzept hinter WBR top finde: https://www.powerofbicycles.org/fundraisers/brgmn/fundraise-eu
#rennrad #ultracycling #leadbyexample
#LeadByExample #ultracycling #rennrad #24hbrelingerberg
Rastislav Popuša je na čele Ostrovian tretie volebné obdobie a ide o jedného z najúspešnejších rómskych starostov. „Veľmi mi pomohol bývalý starosta Cyril Revák, ktorý nie je Róm. Viete, chcem dostať Ostrovany do povedomia nielen Slovenska, ale aj sveta. Keď to dokázal taký Steve Jobs, prečo by sme nemohli byť úspešní aj my?“ hovorí.
#LeadByExample #RomaniLeader #DenníkN
I've learnt this interesting piece of news #today.
And I believe it's the way to follow
#HumanRights #WomenRights #TransRights #LeadByExample
#today #humanrights #WomenRights #transrights #LeadByExample
as serving your country is part of faith, many #ahmadi #muslim youth around the world spend their #NewYearsDay by cleaning their neighborhoods.
RT @MKAKeighley
Since 2018 on #NewYearsDay we have cleaned the streets of #Keighley at the crack of dawn. This year is no different, please join us at 7.30am on 01/01/2023
#muslim #ahmadi #keighley #LeadByExample #newyearsday
RT @SiebeforORD1@twitter.com
I should be out canvassing, but I know with symptoms taking up to 12 days to appear, I could be spreading #COVIDー19 without even knowing it. I didnt want to be the reason things got worse or why someone died, so I've stayed home
I hope others follow & we #LeadByExample!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SiebeforORD1/status/1238895851855941632
RT @SiebeforORD1@twitter.com
I should be out canvassing, but I know with symptoms taking up to 12 days to appear, I could be spreading #COVIDー19 without even knowing it. I didnt want to be the reason things got worse or why someone died, so I've stayed home
I hope others follow & we #LeadByExample!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SiebeforORD1/status/1238895851855941632