New content: Why Lean Product Development is Essential for Effective Product Teams Discover the importance of lean product development and how it enables effective product teams. Learn how to prioritize outcomes, minimize waste, and drive innovation.
#LeanSoftwareDevelopment #LeanProductDevelopment #ContinuousDelivery #ProductEngineering #XP
Boosts very welcome
#LeanSoftwareDevelopment #leanproductdevelopment #continuousdelivery #productengineering #xp
New content: eferro's random stuff: Engineering & Product relationship: random notes #LeanProductDevelopment #ProductMindedEngineers #ProductEngineers #LeanSoftwareDevelopment
#leanproductdevelopment #productmindedengineers #productengineers #LeanSoftwareDevelopment
RT @eferro
🧪 I'm conducting an experiment to receive donations to help cover the costs of my #Lean/#Agile blog and its associated infrastructure. I would appreciate your support to continue sharing valuable content. 💡#xp #leanSoftwareDevelopment #continuousDelivery (1/9)
#Lean #xp #LeanSoftwareDevelopment #continuousdelivery
RT @eferro
🧪 Estoy llevando a cabo un experimento para recibir donaciones que ayuden a cubrir los costes del blog y la infraestructura asociada. Agradecería tu apoyo para continuar compartiendo contenido valioso. 💡 #Lean #Agile #xp #leanSoftwareDevelopment #continuousDelivery (1/9)
#Lean #agile #xp #LeanSoftwareDevelopment #continuousdelivery
Si disfrutas de mis artículos y charlas sobre #LeanSoftwareDevelopment, #ContinuousDelivery, #XP y #Agile, este experimento podría motivarme a escribir y compartir aún más. 🚀 Agradezco cualquier contribución, puntual o periódica. (2/9)
#LeanSoftwareDevelopment #continuousdelivery #xp #agile
🧪 Estoy llevando a cabo un experimento para recibir donaciones que ayuden a cubrir los costes del blog y la infraestructura asociada. Agradecería tu apoyo para continuar compartiendo contenido valioso. 💡 #Lean #Agile #xp #leanSoftwareDevelopment #continuousDelivery (1/9)
#Lean #agile #xp #LeanSoftwareDevelopment #continuousdelivery
If you find this experiment interesting and want to collaborate, I'd also appreciate spreading the word with RTs and love.💙 Agility exists beyond the Agile Industrial Complex! 🌍 (9/9)
RT @eferro
🧪 I'm conducting an experiment to receive donations to help cover the costs of my #Lean/#Agile blog and its associated infrastructure. I would appreciate your support to continue sharing valuable content. 💡#xp #leanSoftwareDevelopment #continuou…
#Lean #xp #LeanSoftwareDevelopment #continuou
If you enjoy my articles and talks on #LeanSoftwareDevelopment, #ContinuousDelivery, #XP, and #Agile, this experiment could motivate me to write and share even more. 🚀 I appreciate any one-time or periodic contributions. (2/9)
#LeanSoftwareDevelopment #continuousdelivery #xp #agile
🧪 I'm conducting an experiment to receive donations to help cover the costs of my #Lean/#Agile blog and its associated infrastructure. I would appreciate your support to continue sharing valuable content. 💡#xp #leanSoftwareDevelopment #continuousDelivery (1/9)
#Lean #xp #LeanSoftwareDevelopment #continuousdelivery
Repost: My premises about software development
#leanSoftwareDevelopment #productDevelopment #xp #lean
#LeanSoftwareDevelopment #productdevelopment #xp #Lean
Updated version: New content: eferro's random stuff: My premises about software development #lean #SoftwarePrinciples #LeanSoftwareDevelopment
#Lean #softwareprinciples #LeanSoftwareDevelopment
Re-post: eferro's random stuff: Software development: The art of postponing decisions
#lean #leansoftwaredevelopment #defercommitment #xp
Feedback and RTs are welcome
#Lean #LeanSoftwareDevelopment #DeferCommitment #xp
repost: Lean Software development: The art of postponing decisions
#LeanSoftwareDevelopment #DeferCommitment #agile #MentalModel
#LeanSoftwareDevelopment #DeferCommitment #agile #MentalModel