RT @langsconnect_ie: Some great insights today from @Leargas Gathering. Barbara Nolan from the European Commisson highlights the "urgency to equip the European youth with the skills needed for the future". Language skills can take your future anywhere! #LeargasGathering #skillsforlife https://t.co/KAEEXokrAg
π¦π: https://n.respublicae.eu/eurireland/status/1651969072257433605
#LeargasGathering #skillsforlife
The #EuropeanYearofSkills will showcase skillsβ development opportunities and activities across the EUπͺπΊ. The aim is to address skill gaps wherever they existβ: @Babsmaylou speaking at the #LeargasGathering on #skillsforlife this week
π¦π: https://n.respublicae.eu/eurireland/status/1651949751334518785
#EuropeanYearOfSkills #LeargasGathering #skillsforlife
RT @Deirdre_Finlay: Thank you to Barbara Nolan from the EC Representation in Ireland for updating everyone at the #leargasgathering on the European Year of Skills, making the connection between policy and the reality of the EU skills shortage. We are keen to get involved #EYSkills #skillsforlife https://t.co/Yyw3ZtFtvO
π¦π: https://n.respublicae.eu/eurireland/status/1651595633441087488
#LeargasGathering #EYSkills #skillsforlife
RT @NicolaClavin: Great to be @ #LeargasGathering @CrokePark today to hear all about #skillsforlife as we embark on the @EU_Commission #EuropeanYearofSkills
Welcome by @LoGill & excellent insights on further/higher ed & life long learning & guidance from @andrewbrownlee7 @Nualanwhelan @MaynoothUni https://t.co/ln6hiKxGpY
π¦π: https://n.respublicae.eu/eurireland/status/1651544667840716804
#LeargasGathering #skillsforlife #EuropeanYearOfSkills