Cerebrospinal Fluid Offers Clues to Post-COVID ‘Brain Fog’ | UC San Francisco
#cerbrospinalfluid #LongCovid #brainfog #sarscov2 #brain #mildcovid #covid #inflammation #systemicinflammatoryresponse #turncoatantibodies #diabetes #CognitiveImpairment #vasculardementia #adhd #anxiety #depression #LearningDisabilities #alcohol #stimulants #hand #hiv #sars #mers #hepatitis #epsteinbarrvirus
‘A Fundamental Lack of Awareness that these People are Actually Human’: How the #Tory Government is Failing #OlderPeople with #LearningDisabilities https://bylinetimes.com/2023/05/03/a-fundamental-lack-of-awareness-that-these-people-are-actually-human-how-the-government-is-failing-older-people-with-learning-disabilities/
#LearningDisabilities #olderpeople #tory
ChatGPT for students with Dyslexia? Expert Opinion: Examining the use of ChatGPT as an Assistive Technology Tool for Students with Learning Disabilities https://on.dystinct.org/chatgpt-learning-disability-assistive-technology-expert-opinion/ #AI #ChatGPT #LearningDisabilities #dyslexia #education
#AI #chatgpt #LearningDisabilities #dyslexia #education
Winchester Go LD pushes for more accessible train travel | Hampshire Chronicle
#LearningDisabilities #winchester #train #accessibility #winchestergold
New paper out now #openaccess Thinking about uncertainty and #LearningDisabilities research during #COVID19pandemic and beyond. With my two favs: @sarasiobhan and Chris Hatton https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13645579.2023.2173425
#openaccess #LearningDisabilities #COVID19pandemic
I've been looking for new #books on #neurodiversity and #disability to request or donate to my local library. I've got tons of books on ADHD and autism to go through now, and a few on dyspraxia, but we need more...well...diversity!
Can anyone recommend books on these topics? Preferably new (2021-2023) and written by neurodivergent authours, but all suggestions are welcome. Looking for queer and BIPOC authours, especially. Thanks!
#ActuallyAutistic #Bookstodon #Fiction #NonFiction #Libraries #Literature
#books #neurodiversity #disability #bpd #OCD #ocpd #tourettes #Fasd #dyspraxia #dyslexia #Dysgraphia #dyscalculia #LearningDisabilities #intellectualdisabilities #physicaldisabilities #MentalIllness #Trauma #CPTSD #actuallyautistic #bookstodon #fiction #NonFiction #libraries #literature
Setting up courses on the #Canvas platform is a nightmare for a professor with my cognitive map. Everything I master about it means I forget something else. And what little I learn I have to be retaught before each new term begins. I spend more of my time trying to manage this utterly odious tool than I do teaching & grading. I'm in a panic every week when I realize I've done something else wrong & can't figure out how to fix it before the next class. #LearningDisabilities
Being different & awkward is the new type of cool and a norm. In a world where people try to blend in with others, why not stand out? I think that's even better!!
#MentalHealth #MentalIllness #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthMatters #MeToo #ADD #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurotypical #Neurodiversity #Diversity #Mastodon #MeToo #PTSD #CPTSD #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Borderline #ActuallyAutistic #Autistic #AutismSpectrum #AutisticSpectrum #Spectrum #Disability #DisabilityAwareness #LearningDisability #LearningDisabilities #AutismAcceptance #AutismPride
#MentalHealth #MentalIllness #mentalhealthawareness #MentalHealthMatters #MeToo #add #adhd #neurodivergent #neurotypical #neurodiversity #diversity #mastodon #PTSD #CPTSD #bpd #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #borderline #actuallyautistic #Autistic #Autismspectrum #autisticspectrum #spectrum #disability #disabilityawareness #LearningDisability #LearningDisabilities #autismacceptance #AutismPride
I’ve been editing a story that’s about what a home means (or should or could mean) if you have a learning disability - as opposed to an institution. I was reminded of this recent photo, which says it all.
It’s of a board outside a pub (during @ChipLitFest with @LittleTollerBooks lovely people Manni and Reuben Coe!).
So simple yet so hard for so many to put into practice.
#disability #LearningDisabilities #autism #socialcare #residentialcare #Journalism #editing #institutions
#disability #LearningDisabilities #autism #Socialcare #residentialcare #Journalism #editing #institutions
So proud to be a patron of @DanceSyndromeUK this fabulous woman's inspiring disability-led dance co❤️
RT @sueblackwellDS: Delighted to be @SheInsprAwrds #SIA2022 #Sheinspires2022 Jen is honoured to be shortlisted as a finalist in HerAbilities category. How incredible!! People with #learningdisabilities are people!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/julie4north/status/1595882701457866755
#SIA2022 #Sheinspires2022 #LearningDisabilities
@Cassandra There are many reasons for not using #AltText, incl. #disability, #ChronicIllness, #LearningDisabilities. However, those of us in these brackets can request folk volunteer to add the #AltText &/or use a bot, such as @OCRbot . HOPE THAT HELPS. 🌈💕
#alttext #disability #chronicillness #LearningDisabilities
Great opportunity for fab dancers who care about #equality #diversity #inclusion
RT @DanceSyndromeUK: Are you a #DanceArtist with a passion for #inclusion?
We have opportunities for freelance Dance Artists to join us to co-deliver #inclusivedance alongside our Dance Leaders with #LearningDisabilities in #Blackburn #Clitheroe & #Lancaster
More info: https://dancesyndrome.co.uk/job-opportunities/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/julie4north/status/1594729634742079491
#Equality #diversity #Inclusion #danceartist #inclusivedance #LearningDisabilities #Blackburn #Clitheroe #Lancaster
#mastodonNewbie . I work in UK services for adults with #learningdisabilities #intellectualdisabilities and interested in #psychologicaltherapies around this. Also #nhsrecruitment #nhsretention is a real issue for us in providing support and reducing waiting times.
#nhsretention #nhsrecruitment #psychologicaltherapies #intellectualdisabilities #LearningDisabilities #mastodonnewbie
Looking for more Clinically Vulnerable people / households on Mastodon.
Please add more # s to help us! 🙏 & ♻️
#MultipleSclerosis #MS
#MotorNeumotoDisease #MND
#Huntingtons #MyastheniaGravis
#Steroids #Biologics #Chemo #Chemotherapy #Radiotherapy
#Asthma #COPD
#Diabetes #T1 #T2 #LADA #GestationalDiabetes
#Chrons #Colitis
#parkinsons #mentalhealth #heartdisease #epilepsy #colitis #chrons #gestationaldiabetes #lada #T2 #t1 #diabetes #cancer #copd #asthma #bipolar #dementia #alzheimers #radiotherapy #chemotherapy #chemo #biologics #steroids #LearningDisabilities #CerebralPalsy #myastheniagravis #huntingtons #MND #motorneumotodisease #ms #multiplesclerosis
Time for an #introduction. I’m a medic based in the North East of England working in #palliativecare for adults and children and particularly interested in the #transition between the services. I’m also involved in a bit of research and am a trustee for a #LearningDisabilities charity PCPLD. I enjoyed using the bird platform for learning and connecting with colleagues as well as sharing photos and #paintings from our beautiful corner of the world.
#paintings #LearningDisabilities #transition #palliativecare #introduction
📄 ‘A new study led by #LoughboroughUniversity and the #Leicestershire Partnership #NHS Trust will use #ArtificialIntelligence to improve the health and wellbeing of people with #LearningDisabilities.’
#loughboroughuniversity #leicestershire #nhs #artificialintelligence #LearningDisabilities #ai