“Hey, Kai! Why don’t you do more learning in public?”
Because THIS is what that would look like! 😆
#LearningToCode #LearningInPublic #LearningPython
CW bad singing 😉
#learningtocode #LearningInPublic #learningpython
Learn in public, people always tell me. But then I’m in a rush to get things done and don’t have the wherewithal to livestream my frenzy because that would take even more time and resources etc.
So, instead, I blogged about it in retrospect: “I Hardcoded My Portfolio Website — 8/10 Would Make This Mistake Again!”
#LearningToCode #LearningInPublic #NewbieDev #WebDev #HTML #CSS
#learningtocode #LearningInPublic #newbiedev #webdev #html #css
Seems it is. Nice. Takes first part of profile, removes second part (the instance) when you toot it. #LearningInPublic
A few years ago I started wondering about building something more like a wiki than a blog where, rather than just post my thoughts or ideas as distinct chunks, I would be able to build on them, bit by bit, as a learned more, and gathered more supporting information in evidence.
After re-emerging in the #fédiverse earlier this year I learned that this is something others have been working on, described by ideas like #LearningInPublic and cultivating a #digitalgarden. It's exciting!
#digitalgarden #LearningInPublic #fédiverse