Haves Hope Wealth Shields Them from Reaping What They Sowed
The rats, I mean the rich, are prepping for doomsday, fleeing to higher ground or to multimillion-dollar underground bunkers. One reason why: the petrodollar's decline.
#Commentary #Featured #fossilfuels #LeeCamp #leftist #petrodollar
#commentary #featured #fossilfuels #LeeCamp #leftist #petrodollar
We heard about this #copaganda project from #LeeCamp a while back and were horrified, tooting about it at the timeā¦ and we rarely toot about internal #USA affairs.
It was the fascistic conflence of #BigConstruction, the questionable policing and downright disgusting #slaveLabour (ahem- #prisonSystem), and our distaste for #Hollywood propaganda that compelled us to toot.
As Lee Camp would say, "Keep fighting"!
#copaganda #LeeCamp #usa #BigConstruction #slavelabour #prisonsystem #hollywood
Though we don't "follow" anyone on legacy social anymore, indeed #GlennGreenwald would be good to see on fedi. Of course we have lamented that #LeeCamp is still choosing #dotCons via the Amazon-served LocalsDotCom, which is a shame. And we could no longer access his YouTube videos because all 'live' content is now invisible to invidious due to changes at YT, see #invidiousBug.
- Hon. Dick Smith (OA) himself,
- #SustainablePopulationAustralia,
- Chris Hedges,
#glenngreenwald #LeeCamp #dotcons #invidiousbug #SustainablePopulationAustralia
Unfortunately, #Wikipedia is very good at distorting reality when something reflects poorly on the #corporateState.
"A version of reality" more like it.
For many things it can be fine but depend on it at one's own peril. First hand exp, muliple times. #LeeCamp has exposed them, might be deleted from #YouTube now though, when #Boogle deleted his 900 episodes of #RedactedTonight.
#wikipedia #corporateState #LeeCamp #youtube #boogle #RedactedTonight
Google has #unpersoned great #journalists. If you try to find episodes of #RedactedTonight, YouTube serves you 'Redacted'/#RedactedNews, a program that is attempting to imitate the look of #LeeCamp's Tonight show.
Many other great voices have also been suppressed and unpersoned over the years.
Use I2P and/or Fediverse to share content, not Google.
#unpersoned #journalists #RedactedTonight #LeeCamp #ScrewTube #youtube #google
Interesting that the mainstream media JUST figured out what we've been screaming for years: Publishing is not a crime and #assange must be freed. Well, the self-proclaimed most-censored comic in AmeriKKKa, #LeeCamp has noticed and he has something to say about it.
Heads up, #Google seem to be deleting links to #LeeCamp's videos. His channel's 'newest' page on #invidious servers appear to all be missing about 15 videos he has published from the last couple of months.
The affected page:
(Although Lee is on Rumble, Rumble blocks Tor, making it unusable. Lee is also on #Locals but that is served by Amazon and thus not an ethical option either.)
#google #LeeCamp #invidious #locals
Is anyone able to reach out to #LeeCamp to point him toward Fediverse (and maybe #OwnCast)? Bonus point if you can provide him a bunch of scripts to setup each based on his setup.
He does a bunch of #podcasts, each week. Although the past month has anti-capitalist rhetoric we know from his past that he's more concerned by #unfetteredCapitalism and #monopoly.
CC us the correspondance (over Fedi, not email), and we'll be forever extremely grateful to you.
He's on gmail so we can't message him.
#LeeCamp #owncast #podcasts #unfetteredCapitalism #monopoly
He's saying one's own content should be backed up by you the creator of that content.
But yes, we do believe the world will be better off, much better off without #YouTube.
YouTube agressively engages in #censorship. One of the single greatest #activist #comedians on the planet, #LeeCamp, had a show called #RedactedTonight. He spoke up against #GoogleChrome and in less than a month all 900 shows purged!
YouTube is #internetCancer.
We must kill it.
#youtube #censorship #activist #comedians #LeeCamp #RedactedTonight #googlechrome #internetCancer #deleteCAGEFAM
Yes, we are not big fans of video as a result and tend to be more an audio consumer.
Do you mean #Invidious? They are indeed great in #anonymising and in our use case for providing an #audioOnly download also.
We understand that one of the great benefits of Peertube is that people watching the content also become distributors. It would be great to see if #Peertube could handle a journalist like #LeeCamp.
His work is too important for closedSilo, dotCon platforms.
#invidious #anonymising #audioOnly #peertube #LeeCamp
The way he is using monochrome and red colourisation reminds us of this piece on #LeeCamp by the #DailyBeast, some dodgy-sounding website headed by an actual Clinton'ite.
This LeeCamp example is incredibly entertaining but also chilling. In that one sees Lee's #unpersoning, while a literal opponent of Lee, just **assumes** his #RedactedTonight brand!!
Scary. As. Fuchia.
#LeeCamp #dailybeast #unpersoning #RedactedTonight #identitytheft #youtube
> Listens to #LeeCamp speak fervently about his distaste for #censorship and how *that* is a big reason why he's leaving (CloudFlare) #Patreon.
Presses Ctrl+Shift+E in TorBrowser to see that he is moving to a site hosted by #Amazon.
HAS ANYONE told him about #Fediverse?
#parlerHadACommunityToo #closedSilo #jumpingFromFrypanIntoFire
#LeeCamp #censorship #patreon #amazon #fediverse #parlerHadACommunityToo #closedSilo #jumpingFromFrypanIntoFire
Unbeknownst to #LeeCamp, the #RedactedTonight episode in which he lampooned #GoogleChrome and told listeners to switch to others like Firefox, would just so happen to be his last.
Several hundred episodes were promptly #memoryHoled.
#neoFeudalism #deleteCAGEFAM #ukrainePretext #pretextPerhaps #censorship
#LeeCamp #RedactedTonight #googlechrome #memoryHoled #neofeudalism #deleteCAGEFAM #ukrainePretext #pretextPerhaps #censorship
In case folks were wondering, RT is still available from Europe, just use Tor Browser and keep changing the #exitNode until you get a good one.
Its the best solution until RT have an official onionSite/eepsite.
Their podcasts are as important as ever.
Censored comedian, #LeeCamp is also still producing important content.
Actual progressive leftists #LeeCamp and #ChrisHedges are interviewed here by #MintPressNews only a few days ago.
Video is 500MB. Audio 27MB, so we share the audio above.
(WE SHOULD WARN anyone who is a fan of MintPressNews that, last we checked, its served over #Cloudflare.)
How much were you taught about WWII in your school history class?
#RTBan #takingTheInternetPrivate #censorship #altMedia #RT #propaganda #islamophobia
#LeeCamp #chrishedges #mintpressnews #cloudflare #RTBan #takingTheInternetPrivate #censorship #altmedia #rt #propaganda #islamophobia
RT pillow ($6.25)
The #RussiaToday news service is currently #censored. This is one way to protest, and show support for the a progressive network that features people like #LeeCamp, the Keisers, #ChrisHedges and many more whom they have spoken on the network as guests.
They are not perfect, but a damn sight better than the #legacyMedia.
#russiaToday #censored #LeeCamp #chrishedges #legacymedia #pillow #cushion #RTShop #rt #podushka
We'd like to thank, #LeeCamp for again bringing to light the extreme #judicalLynching of #StevenDonziger by the #USA #injusticeSystem.
His crime was securing $10b cleanup funds for the ppl of #Ecuador who were #poisoned by #Texaco (now #Chevron), and for protecting his sources and #whistleblowers just like #Assange.
Unfortunately we can no longer in good conscience link to the podcast because we learned #soundcloud is an #Amazon asset.
#LeeCamp #judicalLynching #StevenDonziger #usa #injusticesystem #ecuador #poisoned #Texaco #Chevron #whistleblowers #assange #soundcloud #amazon #rt #rtDotCom #RedactedTonight
That's okay.
We retooted it for a minute but then remembered that there is a lot of #misinformation being pumped out at the moment. So we removed the toot until we had something concrete.
We've come across false under-reported statistics on deaths by #USpolice and thought it was legitimate until #LeeCamp set things straight.
We all need to be vigilant.
The debates are being framed so people don't question the #corporatists/#owningClass who #printMoney for themselves during #COVID19.
#misinformation #USpolice #LeeCamp #corporatists #printMoney #COVID19
Until now we thought #HowieHawkins, presidential candidate for the #GreenParty, was black for some reason. He's white, maybe his voice misled us.
We just found the podcast where he was interviewed by #LeeCamp here:
He talks about pardoning wrongfully imprisoned including Black Panthers. Also talks about #healthcare, #netNeutrality, #wallSteet #bailouts, #sanders, #julianAssange.
#howiehawkins #greenparty #LeeCamp #healthcare #netneutrality #wallSteet #bailouts #sanders #julianassange
#LeeCamp and the team at #RedactedTonight did a great job of presenting a recent report from the #Grayzone, that outlines the shocking #corruption that led to #JulianAssange's #unlawful seizure from #Ecuador's Embassy in #London.
Watch the episode now:
#freeJulianAssange #israel #trump #evangelicals #cia #goonSquad #mercenaries #securocrats #privatisation #davidMorales #sheldonAdelson #UCGlobal #zoharlahav
#LeeCamp #RedactedTonight #grayzone #corruption #julianassange #unlawful #ecuador #london #FreeJulianAssange #israel #trump #evangelicals #cia #goonSquad #mercenaries #securocrats #privatisation #davidMorales #sheldonAdelson #ucglobal #zoharlahav