The LezWatch.TV show of the day is "Legacies," with 5 characters and a show score of 57.00 #LWTVsotd #Legacies -
New in Advance Articles in Communist and Post-Communist Studies:
The Invention of Legacy: Strategic Uses of a “Good Soviet Union” in Elite Policy Preferences and Filmmaking in Russia
by Vladimir Gel’man & Anastassia Obydenkova
"Wesleyan Did Right on Legacy Admissions. Let’s Talk About the Ivies Now."
#Wesleyan #Legacies #admissions #academia
Neu auf Blu-ray und DVD: Legacies, The Handmaid's Tale #DVDNews #Legacies #TheHandmaidsTale
#thehandmaidstale #Legacies #dvdnews
For all that I enjoy technology, I also love the continuity of doing things my ancestors likely did hundreds and thousands of years ago: Getting up at night to tend the fire. Eating fresh-baked bread with cheese. Singing a baby to sleep. Covering new-sprouted plants with straw to protect against a late frost. Praising my proud cat for the mouse she brought me. Bathing in a cold river in the morning.
Growing up in rural poverty, I used this idea of legacy as a way to cope, to find meaning in difficulty: I am doing what humans do. My foremothers ten thousand years ago hauled their water and foraged for food and checked for snakes before squatting in the grass, and I can do it too.
New paper from @Demos reckons inheritances are now worth £100 billion a year. Vaue expected to peak in 2046. Be interesting to see if future reports discuss #Legacies and impact of tax policy
Speaking of watching things in different orders, my wife and I started watching Legacies and enjoying it. So that made us go back and watch Vampire Diaries.
But that means we have all sorts of big spoilers about how things end up.
That doesn’t mean Vampire Diaries isn’t enjoyable and full of surprises. Just because someone dies in Vampire Diaries doesn’t mean they can’t be the lead in Legacies. 🤣
I think most people have the instinct to do something, create something that says "I was here." For however long it lasts, for whoever will come across it. We want others to know, we were here. We did things. We felt things. We witnessed things. We lived. We existed. Right here, right where you are now. I may never know who you are, but you will know a piece of me. There was someone here, and it was me. Hello.
#art #creation #achievement #human #thoughts #legacy #legacies #humannature #graffiti
#art #creation #achievement #human #thoughts #legacy #Legacies #humannature #graffiti
We just posted a brand new mini episode for our Patreon supporters! @charliejane explains EVERYTHING you need to know about #TheVampireDiaries, #TheOriginals, and #Legacies. It's much weirder and more wonderful than you ever imagined!
#TheVampireDiaries #theoriginals #Legacies
Hänge aktuell in der Serie #Legacies und uff. Staffel 1 und 2 waren so gut, 3 ziemlich öde und 4 ist mir zu abgedreht. Hab Vampire Diaries geliebt aber da waren die letzten zwei Staffeln auch so schlecht. 🥲
Hello! I'm looking for fellow #nonprofit people, mainly in the UK. A bonus if you work in #fundraising and #legacies!
I'm Jen and I work for the #RAFBenevolentFund 👋
#nonprofit #fundraising #Legacies #RAFBenevolentFund
If you're in or near #Cambridge next weekend, you might like to join the Sedgwick Museum's first free #PowerWalk, jointly with the Whipple Museum of the History of Science. Rob Theodore from the Sedgwick will be exploring themes of power and inequality in the Museum's collections, including some of our research into the legacies of empire and enslavement.
book here:
#museum #museums #Legacies #Cambridge #UniversityOfCambridge #inequality #power #empire
#cambridge #PowerWalk #museum #museums #Legacies #universityofcambridge #inequality #power #empire
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