Deathray Games · @deathray
12 followers · 30 posts · Server

- Long before making games regularly for game jams, I made a few prototype games. The best one began as a continuation of a game I had made called "The Forest", but was later renamed "Legend of the Green Hydra" as a nod to . Give it a play if you like slow, no-map , randomness, and ancient history.

#roguelikes #LegendOfTheRedDragon #basic #javascript #webgamesadvent

Last updated 2 years ago

Johnny Cache · @mondegreen
166 followers · 223 posts · Server

There were always players on who were so powerful that they used their fists as weapons and didn't bother sleeping in the inn (for protection). To this day, I have no idea how they managed that!

I remember writing a macro that would let me go through the forest and fight. I could just let that go and get my experience for the day.

Oh, and there was something about the that I just loved.

#LegendOfTheRedDragon #ansiart

Last updated 2 years ago

Johnny Cache · @mondegreen
166 followers · 223 posts · Server

Thanks to Mastodon for all of this tech !

I just remembered having so much fun calling up my local (shout out to the Inner Sanctum and the Eagle's Nest!) and playing games like . Even the sound of the modem connecting was something special.

Until my mom would pick up the phone and I'd lose my connection, of course.

Young me wanted to be part of the scene, but didn't have any warez to share. I got scolded by the BBS owner for uploading demos. :D

#nostalgia #bbs #LegendOfTheRedDragon #warez

Last updated 2 years ago