Working on my Legio Ignatum Warhound. He has black trim. I thought it would be great to have mixed trim colours in my Legio.
#warhammer #adeptustitanicus #LegioIgnatum #warmongers #paintingwarhammer
So I did a little bit of photo artwork earlier today, it features my friend @goddenzilla scratch built Imperator Titan Ira Metallum.
#WarhammerCommunity #AdeptusTitanicus
#Warmongers #Warmaidens #Waranthem
#Warwardens #HorusHeresy #Warhammer40k #LegioIgnatum #LegioMetalica
#warhammercommunity #adeptustitanicus #warmongers #warmaidens #Waranthem #Warwardens #horusheresy #warhammer40k #LegioIgnatum #legiometalica
The titans of the Legio Ignatum reaped a heavy toll against the titans of Legio Mortis, Tempestus and Vulcanum over the last few days at the #TitanOwnersClub #TitanWalk.
On the Saturday we walked alongside the God Machines of Legio Gryphonicus and on Sunday we walked alongside Legio Crucius.
The fighting was fierce on both occasions against very competent opponents but we won through in the end.
#WarhammerCommunity #Warmongers #Warmaidens #Waranthem #warhammer #AdeptusTitanicus #LegioIgnatum
#TitanOwnersClub #TitanWalk #warhammercommunity #warmongers #warmaidens #Waranthem #warhammer #adeptustitanicus #LegioIgnatum
The titans walk.
#WarhammerCommunity #TitanOwnersClub #Warmongers #Warmaidens #Waranthem #warhammer #AdeptusTitanicus #LegioIgnatum
#warhammercommunity #TitanOwnersClub #warmongers #warmaidens #Waranthem #warhammer #adeptustitanicus #LegioIgnatum
In four days time the Titans of the Legio Ignatum will walk once more. They walk alongside their fellow loyalist engines of a dozen other Legios, to bring the Emperor’s vengeance to the oathbreakers and turncoats of the Traitor Titan legios.
The Chosen of Mars take to the field to bring destruction to those that chose the path to damnation and corruption.
#warhammercommunity #TitanOwnersClub #TitanWalk #LegioIgnatum #Firewasps #HorusHeresy #AgeOfDarkness #paintingwarhammer
#warhammercommunity #TitanOwnersClub #TitanWalk #LegioIgnatum #Firewasps #horusheresy #ageofdarkness #paintingwarhammer