For some reason, the wife didn’t believe that it wasn’t me that had the last bit of chocolate.
#StarWarsLego #LegoStormTrooper #TalesFromTheToyShelf #Lego #legophotography #legostagram #LegoPhoto #legophotographer #brickcentral #brickphotography #brickphoto #Toystagram #Toystagram_lego #ToyPhotography #StuckInPlastic
#starwarslego #legostormtrooper #TalesFromTheToyShelf #lego #LegoPhotography #legostagram #legophoto #legophotographer #brickcentral #brickphotography #brickphoto #toystagram #toystagram_lego #toyphotography #stuckinplastic
An early Mandalorian script! 😉
#lego #legophotography #StarWars #mandalorian
#lego #LegoPhotography #starwars #mandalorian
One thing led to another, and some how he found himself exploring underneath a tree.
It seemed quite cave like really.
#TalesFromTheToyShelf #LegoInsta #legominifigs #devonlife #legophotography #legostagram #LegoPhoto #legophotographer #brickphotography #brickphoto #Toystagram #Toystagram_lego #ToyPhotography #StuckInPlastic
#TalesFromTheToyShelf #legoinsta #legominifigs #devonlife #LegoPhotography #legostagram #legophoto #legophotographer #brickphotography #brickphoto #toystagram #toystagram_lego #toyphotography #stuckinplastic
In the middle of this elemental storm a fire gleamed among the dripping furze bushes like the madness in a weasel’s eye. It illuminated three hunched figures. As the cauldron bubbled an eldritch voice shrieked: “When shall we three meet again?”
There was a pause.
Finally another voice said, in far more ordinary tones: “Well, I can do next Tuesday."
- Wyrd Sisters -
#Discworld #TerryPratchett #BookQuote #Lego #LegoPhotography
#discworld #terrypratchett #bookquote #lego #LegoPhotography
“Hurry lads, if she spots that we’ve been helping ourselves to the sweets, we’re done for.”
#TalesFromTheToyShelf #legostormtrooper #legophotography #legostarwars #parenting #ToyPhotography #StuckInPlastic
#TalesFromTheToyShelf #legostormtrooper #LegoPhotography #legostarwars #parenting #toyphotography #stuckinplastic
I tried taking my new friend out for a walk, but the monkey tries playing hide and seek, thankfully he’s not good at it.
#TalesFromTheToyShelf #LegoInsta #legoinstagram #legophotography #legostagram #LegoPhoto #legophotographer #legobabyyoda #BabyYoda #Photography #hideandseek #Toystagram #Toystagram_lego #ToyPhotography #StuckInPlastic
#TalesFromTheToyShelf #legoinsta #legoinstagram #LegoPhotography #legostagram #legophoto #legophotographer #legobabyyoda #BabyYoda #photography #hideandseek #toystagram #toystagram_lego #toyphotography #stuckinplastic
He promised himself that if anyone asked, he would say if was a Beef Sandwich, not Reindeer.
Rudolph would probably have a fit.
#TalesFromTheToyShelf #Christmas #LegoSanta #LegoChristmas #legophotography #legostagram #LegoPhoto #legophotographer #toyphotography #stuckinplastic
#TalesFromTheToyShelf #christmas #LegoSanta #LegoChristmas #LegoPhotography #legostagram #legophoto #legophotographer #toyphotography #stuckinplastic
“Some days he felt the tide chase him more than others”
#LegoPhotography #photography #lego #LegoMinifig
#LegoPhotography #photography #lego #LegoMinifig