Après A link to the past, le fiston et moi enchaînons avec The Minish Cap.
Mais pas question de partir à l'aventure sans un minimum de préparation !
#Lemuroid #retrogaming #theminishcap #zelda
I am playing games from GameBoy Advance thanks to the #opensource software #Lemuroid
First game on Lemuroid was The Legend of #Zelda: Link's Awakening DX -> Beaten!
Now I am playing Pokemon Fire Red. I have to much nostalgia from this game
Running on #Android 7 btw
#opensource #Lemuroid #zelda #android
This new #EPSM project redefines #nes #homebrew audio. Add in the MXM-1 mapper from Something Nerdy and the tech demos will be absolutely amazing! 🎮
Gotta PR support for it in #Delta, #Deltroid, #OpenEmu, #Lemuroid, #Provenance.
That'll cover #iOS, #Android, #macOS, and #tvOS. Wanna get this NES tech as widespread as possible. 📱📺💻
#epsm #nes #homebrew #delta #deltroid #openemu #Lemuroid #provenance #iOS #android #macos #tvos
https://f-droid.org/it/packages/com.swordfish.lemuroid/ tra gli emulatori di consolle di qualche tempo fa, credo sia il migliore in giro su Android e dintorni #lemuroid #emulator
Lemuroid is so much cleaner and easier to setup for emulation on android. If you considered RetroArch, but want something that just works, try #Lemuroid
J'ai découvert #Lemuroid, une application #Android qui permet d'émuler énormément de consoles #rétro. Ça fonctionne au poil pour la #GBA et #GoldenSun là.
Disponible sur #FDroid : https://f-droid.org/fr/packages/com.swordfish.lemuroid/
#Github #RetroGaming #Gaming #JeuVidéo #Émulateur #FLOSS #FOSS #OpenSource #Libre
#Lemuroid #android #rétro #gba #goldensun #fdroid #github #retrogaming #gaming #jeuvidéo #émulateur #floss #foss #opensource #libre
Ha ouiii bien vu. L'émulateur s'appelle #Lemuroid . Vais allez voir ça. Merci