There's a reason we've never seen #RichardSimmons and #LeoSayer in the same room.
ð· Photo by GAB Archive/Redferns
Sisters had at least a hundred 45s. This was one. They were much older getting ready for teenager dates. I sat watching them apply make-up, talk about boys, dabble with perfumes for the first time.. Um Babe comes to mind and Charlie. Also learned some teens do weird things.. like lie down on beds to pull up the zippers of tight jeans.. decided I'll never do that :D Anyway kind of jealous to be left out :)
#1970smusic #lovesongs #LeoSayer
Leo Sayer, When I Need You
#MastoRadio #np #LeoSayer
#NoWar #NoWarZ
#mastoradio #np #LeoSayer #nowar #noWarZ
Leo Sayer, More Than I Can Say
#mastoradio #np #leosayer
#NoWar #NoWarZ
#mastoradio #np #LeoSayer #nowar #noWarZ