Bill Weinberg · @billweinberg
491 followers · 244 posts · Server

Happy birthday .... whose legacy is simultaneously exploited and betrayed by the contemporary fascist Russian state......


Last updated 1 year ago

Roman ALAN · @romanalanwrites
157 followers · 1607 posts · Server

Useless quote for 24 April:

"The most usual Conservatives are young people: those who want to live but who do not think, and have not time to think, about how to live and who therefore take as a model for themselves a way of life that they have seen."

~ Leo Tolstoy, 1889

#uselessquote #LeoTolstoy

Last updated 2 years ago

Art in a Blanket Fort · @aiBlanket
246 followers · 435 posts · Server

“I think...if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.” — Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

So many minds and so many thoughts, even a dog’s confusion is written out in this book. Definitely describes the thinking and so much of the feelings of people in this place and time.

This literary classic was the first book on the following list:

#booksodon #reading #quotes #literaryclassics #LeoTolstoy

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrew Shields · @AndrewShields
72 followers · 723 posts · Server

'I finally read “Moby-Dick,” and was delighted to find that it abounds with mathematical metaphors. I realized further it’s not just Herman Melville; Leo Tolstoy writes about calculus, James Joyce about geometry.’

#JamesJoyce #LeoTolstoy #mobydick #hermanmelville #mathematics #literature

Last updated 2 years ago

derandiefrischeluftmuss · @OhbaFrank
5 followers · 106 posts · Server
Quick Quotes · @quickquotes
20 followers · 246 posts · Server

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
― Leo Tolstoy

#bot #quote #FamousQuotes #LeoTolstoy

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Fairhead · @tallandtrue
367 followers · 1792 posts · Server
Quick Quotes · @quickquotes
20 followers · 185 posts · Server

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”
― Leo Tolstoy

#bot #quote #FamousQuotes #LeoTolstoy

Last updated 2 years ago

Roman ALAN · @romanalanwrites
129 followers · 1026 posts · Server

Useless Quote for 3 Feb:

"The government assures the people that they are in danger from the invasion of another nation, or from foes in their midst, and that the only way to escape this danger is by the slavish obedience of the people to their government."

~ Lev Nikolayevitch Tolstoy, XIV "Christianity and Patriotism" (1895) Trans.: Leo Wiener

#uselessquote #LeoTolstoy

Last updated 2 years ago

Bodhi O'Shea · @Bodhioshea
85 followers · 411 posts · Server

"Wealth is like manure. It stinks when it piles up, and it's only useful when it's scattered."


Last updated 2 years ago

jorik · @jorik
1 followers · 20 posts · Server

is fucking based, actually. I'm no good with words, so just read The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Christianity and Patriotism (very based, but, sadly, not translated in English (will do later myself, maybe, since that is largely needed in US AND Russia rn)), "I can't be silent" ( on executions, and generally all his works, fiction or non-fiction.
I mean, he is a very conservative religious conservative, thought any sex was an offence to God and a lot of other stuff, and I think if he was to look at modern anarchists, he would be... very distraught, so to speak... but nevertheless, he is arguably more based than any modern philosopher still, and his raw basedness would not be surpassed for centuries to come.

Read Leo Tolstoy.
If you are russian/ukranian/belorussian - do it today.

#LeoTolstoy #anarchism #christianity #classic

Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2307 followers · 15190 posts · Server

@fraying And there's nothing authors talk about so much amongst themselves as the writing bizness itself.

There's a collection of letters I'm vaguely aware of involving Leo Tolstoy talking of Charles Dickens's apparently novel practice of serialising his novels in magazines. That's part of the financing / production bit I was alluding to above, though I left it out of that toot.

(I'm not sure where this appears, though if it rings a bell with anyone I'd hugely appreciate a pointer.)

And of course the Golden Age of the American Short Story existed mostly to sell cigarettes and booze. Which were also consumed by the authors themselves, as an early instance of the circular economy ....

@annaleen @danhon

#LeoTolstoy #charlesdickens #writing #authors #serialisatiion

Last updated 2 years ago

TrangAston :verified: · @CastlTrAstonDrs
723 followers · 837 posts · Server

Music is the shorthand of emotion.

Andrea Bocelli and HAUSER - Melodramma


Last updated 2 years ago

🪦 died today in 1980. Here's a free article exploring the extent to which she was influenced by :

Short summary: Day frequently mentioned Tolstoy, but almost only his . Paper explores extent of Tolstoy’s influence beyond just fiction based on close reading of . Demonstrates Tolstoy’s & views did leave significant impression on Day & . Notably: D had early (if discreet) passion for T; T’s helped cement D’s & , & T (through ) helped inspire CW’s embrace of

#DorothyDay #LeoTolstoy #anarchism #pacifism #anticlericalism #fiction #archivalsources #political #religious #catholicworkermovement #hennacy #civildisobedience

Last updated 2 years ago

david lidz · @davidlidz
30 followers · 86 posts · Server

Ok, then.

The Razor’s Edge, Somerset Maugham

, JD Salinger
Race For Profit, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Unstrung Heroes, Franz Lidz
What You’ve Heard Is True, Carolyn Forché

Yeah, yeah so sue me.

#7bookstoknowme #georgeeliot #alcoholicsanonymous #thecatcherintherye #warandpeace #LeoTolstoy

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Newstarget
1960 followers · 17918 posts · Server
· @Newstarget
2021 followers · 18128 posts · Server
· @NaturalNews
5593 followers · 25340 posts · Server
Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2082 followers · 14677 posts · Server

@vortex_egg Leo Tolstoy, What Shall We Do Then?, Chapter XVII

Science asserts that in every production three agents come into operation,—land, capital and labour; and along with this division it is understood that property (or its value in money) is naturally divided among those who possess one of these agents; thus, rent (the value of the ground) belongs to the land-owner; interest belongs to the capitalist; and wages to the worker.

Is this really so?

First, is it true that in every production only three agencies operate? Now, while I am writing proceeds the production of hay around me. Of what is this production composed? I am told of the land which produces the grass; of capital (scythes, rakes, pitch-forks, carts which are necessary for the housing of the hay); and of labour. But I see that this is not true. Besides the land, there is the sun and rain; and, in addition, social order, which has been keeping these meadows from any damage which might be caused by letting stray cattle graze upon them, the skill of workmen, their knowledge of language, and many other agencies of production,—which, for some unknown reason, are not taken into consideration by political economy.

The power of the sun is as necessary as the land, even more. I may mention the instances when men (in a town, for example), assume the right to keep out the sun from others by means of walls or trees. Why, then, is the sun not included among the factors of production?


#LeoTolstoy #WhatShallWeDo #production #economics #labour #capital

Last updated 3 years ago