JazzZeitung.de — News:+++35 Jahre Landesjugendjazzorchester Hamburg+++ WEST SIDE & beyond in Weimar+++Junger Münchner Jazzpreis 2023 – die Finalisten+++ – +++Das Land
#News #BertJoris #DaveBrubeck #HendrikaEntzian #LandesjugendjazzorchesterHamburg #LeonardBernstein #ManfredBrndl #MatthiasMeyer #MichaJesske #UrsulaWienken
#news #bertjoris #davebrubeck #hendrikaentzian #landesjugendjazzorchesterhamburg #LeonardBernstein #manfredbrndl #matthiasmeyer #michajesske #ursulawienken
I don't care that the ADL says it's not antisemitic.
To me, it's tone deaf.
It's not Der Sturmer, it's not Joseph Streicher, fine...ok.
I'm not saying that anyone's trying to hurt us, I'm just saying the optics aren't good; it doesn't take into account the historical portail of Jews.
#InCaseJewMIssedIt #LeonardBernstein #BradleyCooper
By the way, have you SEEN the photos of the Third Reich 'Aryans'? WHO has a large nose?
The stereotype has always been stupid and I don't really know how it started
#incasejewmissedit #LeonardBernstein #bradleycooper
#Fediverse! It's #Friday! It's #LeonardBernstein's birthday! Let's party!
(Gustavo Dudamel & Sinfónica Simón Bolívar Orchestra, playing "Mambo" from West Side Story)
#Music #ClassicalMusic
#classicalmusic #Music #LeonardBernstein #Friday #Fediverse
Aktuell in der #HörBar der #nmz: Railroad Rhythms —
#EMusik #KlassischeModerne #Romantik #AaronCopland #AloisPachernegg #AntonnDvok #ArthurHonegger #EduardStrau #HansChristianLumbye #HeitosVillaLobos #HildungRosenberg #JacquesIbert #JiStrek #JohannStrauII #LeonardBernstein #SilvestreRevueltas #SWRLabel #SWRRundfunkorchesterKaiserslautern #VincentDIndy
#horbar #nmz #emusik #klassischemoderne #romantik #aaroncopland #aloispachernegg #antonndvok #arthurhonegger #eduardstrau #hanschristianlumbye #heitosvillalobos #hildungrosenberg #jacquesibert #jistrek #johannstrauii #LeonardBernstein #silvestrerevueltas #swrlabel #swrrundfunkorchesterkaiserslautern #vincentdindy
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
M. Camargo Guarnieri, New York Philharmonic & Leonard Bernstein:
🎵 Brazilian Dance
#MCamargoGuarnieri #NewYorkPhilharmonic #LeonardBernstein
#nowplaying #breakfast #mcamargoguarnieri #NewYorkPhilharmonic #LeonardBernstein #spotify
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Leonard Bernstein, Danielle de Niese, London Symphony Orchestra & Sir Simon Rattle:
🎵 Wonderful Town: A Little Bit In Love
#nowplaying #intune #LeonardBernstein #danielledeniese #sirsimonrattle
#LudwigVanBeethoven 🧡
Symphony No. 9 in d op. 125🧡 🎵 🎶
#WienerPhilharmoniker 🧡 🎵 🎶 🎵
#LeonardBernstein 🧡 🎶 🎵 🎶 🥰
Recording Producer: Hans Weber - Balance Engineer: Klaus Scheibe
Recording Location; Staatsoper, Vienna, 9/1979 (live)
#LeonardBernstein #WienerPhilharmoniker #LudwigvanBeethoven
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Samuel Barber, Los Angeles Philharmonic & Leonard Bernstein:
🎵 Adagio for Strings
#nowplaying #intune #SamuelBarber #LosAngelesPhilharmonic #LeonardBernstein
@classicalmusic A selection of #GustavMahler to download: conductors #KlausTennstedt, #LeonardBernstein, #HerbertvonKarajan, #DanielBarenboim, and #SimonRattle with Number 10 at https://bit.ly/rattlemahler — More at https://bit.ly/aselectionofmahler
#GustavMahler #klaustennstedt #LeonardBernstein #herbertvonkarajan #danielbarenboim #simonrattle
Johannes Brahms
Heute wäre der Komponist (einer meiner allerliebsten) 190 Jahre alt geworden.
Wie könnte man seiner besser gedenken, als mit dieser herrlichen Aufnahme seiner beiden wunderbaren Klavierkonzerte in einer fantastischen Aufnahme mit dem Pianisten Krystian #Zimerman und dem Dirigenten Leonard #Bernstein?
Hach - was für eine Freude macht diese Aufnahme...
#KrystianZimerman #LeonardBernstein #Brahms #JohannesBrahms
#johannesbrahms #brahms #LeonardBernstein #krystianzimerman #bernstein #zimerman #happybirthday
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Leonard Bernstein, Michael Collins, Peter Donohoe, London Sinfonietta & Sir Simon Rattle:
🎵 Prelude, Fugue and Riffs for clarinet and jazz orchestra
#nowplaying #intune #LeonardBernstein #PeterDonohoe
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Leonard Bernstein & Wayne Marshall:
🎵 Wonderful Town (Overture)
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #LeonardBernstein #waynemarshall
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Leonard Bernstein & London Symphony Orchestra:
🎵 Candide (Overture)
#nowplaying #intune #LeonardBernstein #londonsymphonyorchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ClassicalMixtape
Leonard Bernstein, Sid Ramin, Irwin Kostal, New York Philharmonic & Leonard Bernstein:
🎵 Symphonic Dances from West Side Story
#nowplaying #classicalmixtape #LeonardBernstein #sidramin #irwinkostal
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ClassicalMixtape
Leonard Bernstein, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra & Marin Alsop:
🎵 3 Dance Episodes from On the Town: No. 2, Lonely Town
#nowplaying #classicalmixtape #LeonardBernstein #BournemouthSymphonyOrchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Leonard Bernstein, Ian McMillan & Royal Philharmonic Orchestra:
🎵 Maria (from West Side Story)
#nowplaying #intune #LeonardBernstein #IanMcMillan #RoyalPhilharmonicOrchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #SoundsConnected
Leonard Bernstein, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra & Marin Alsop:
🎵 3 Dance Episodes From 'On The Town' ; No.2; Lonely Town (Pas De Deux) (Andante)
#nowplaying #soundsconnected #LeonardBernstein
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Leonard Bernstein, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra & Christian Lindberg:
🎵 On The Waterfront - Suite
#nowplaying #intune #LeonardBernstein #RoyalLiverpoolPhilharmonicOrchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Leonard Bernstein, Grigoraș Dinicu & New York Philharmonic:
🎵 Hora staccato
#nowplaying #breakfast #LeonardBernstein #grigorașdinicu #NewYorkPhilharmonic
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3InConcert
Leonard Bernstein, BBC Concert Orchestra & Keith Lockhart:
🎵 Three Dance Episodes - On the Town
#LeonardBernstein #BBCConcertOrchestra #KeithLockhart
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#nowplaying #Radio3InConcert #LeonardBernstein #bbcConcertorchestra #KeithLockhart