🗺️ Come city-hopping with us across Europe to check out our incredibly fast #SuperComputers!
📌 Today's stop: 🇮🇹 Bologna, Italy
#DYK that #LeonardoHPC has a peak performance of 323 #petaflops and weighs as much as 4,700 people?
#HPCSuperCities @EuroHPC_JU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DigitalEU/status/1635604188221648902
#supercomputers #DYK #LeonardoHPC #petaflops #HPCSuperCities
🗺️ Каним ви на градска обиколка из Европа, за да се срещнете със суперкомпютрите на ЕС 🇪🇺!
📌 Първа спирка: Болоня 🇮🇹
Знаете ли, че италианският #LeonardoHPC тежи колкото 4700 души и е 4-тият най-мощен #суперкомпютър в света?
Още интересни факти 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECinBulgaria/status/1599312554743906305
#LeonardoHPC #суперкомпютър #HPCSuperCities #DigitalEU
Today Nik Križ, head of our #RiskAssessment Services, visited the new 🇪🇺 Supercomputer #LeonardoHPC @Cineca1969 and discussed with director Sanzio Bassini possible areas of #collaboration
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EFSA_EU/status/1598686405391269889
#RiskAssessment #LeonardoHPC #Collaboration
Here's your weekly #DigitalDigest:
⚡️Welcome #LeonardoHPC
🤝 India & EU New #tech collaboration
👉 https://europa.eu/!6Y9kq8
🎙️ Journalism Partnerships
📶 Welcome on board #5G
#DigitalDigest #LeonardoHPC #tech #5G #DigitalEU
Learn more about #LeonardoHPC, inaugurated yesterday at @Cineca1969 in Bologna 🇮🇹.
⚡️With +1 trillion operations x second, #LeonardoHPC is suited for high-intensity computing tasks: data processing, HPDA & #ArtificialIntelligence.
Will be accessible to researchers & industry, to develop new apps in different areas like #AI or personalised medicine ⤵️
#LeonardoHPC #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #FrAIday
RT @ViolaRoberto: Welcome #LeonardoHPC, #4 in top 5 supercomputers in the 🌍
In Bologna we started a new era in EU history for scientists, companies & citizens. Thanks to @EuroHPC_JU & @Cineca1969, for the great work done to have made this possible.
But this is not arrival, this is just a start!
RT @ViolaRoberto: Oggi stiamo facendo la storia europea.
#LeonardoHPC, il 4 supercalcolatore più veloce al mondo ci aiuterà a trovare soluzioni a problemi complessi, a creare il gemello digitale della terra e a trovare cure per importanti malattie.
Non è punto di arrivo, ma un punto di partenza.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/europainitalia/status/1595797142551072768
RT @Cineca1969: @EuroHPC_JU @ViolaRoberto @DigitalEU il digitale è un aspetto fondamentali del PNRR: progetti concreti che rendono l'Europa un attore di primo piano grazie anche ad aziende europee come @atos , partner indispensabile per la costruzione di #leonardoHPC
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/europainitalia/status/1595751973059436545
L’intervento del DG @ViolaRoberto all’inaugurazione di #LeonardoHPC
👉🏻 http://youtu.be/G6W2krfwD20
Quando l’Europa decide di unire le forze, il risultato è di successo.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/europainitalia/status/1595726859223842817
RT @Cineca1969: @EuroHPC_JU ora sul palco @violaroberto DG #CNECT @DigitalEU parla dell'importanza della rete europea di supercalcolatori di cui farà parte #LeonardoHPC
seguiteci su https://t.co/aa7PAosqRg
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/europainitalia/status/1595725624131428353
Finalmente ci siamo!
Viene inaugurato oggi a Bologna #LeonardoHPC, il 4° supercomputer più potente al mondo, parte della famiglia @EuroHPC_JU.
Presente anche la @EU_Commission con il DG @ViolaRoberto @DigitalEU.
📺La diretta della cerimonia http://youtu.be/G6W2krfwD20
RT @DigitalEU: ✨On our way to meet...#LeonardoHPC!
The 4th most powerful supercomputer in the world is being inaugurated today in #Bologna, follow …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/europainitalia/status/1595718948581933056
#EuroHPC 👇 @Cineca1969@twitter.com
RT @EuroHPC_JU@twitter.com
#LEONARDOHPC is officially inaugurated! 🖥️⚡
The @EuroHPC_JU@twitter.com is very proud of this latest #EuroHPC supercomputer, the #4 system in the world and the result of European collaboration with our colleagues at @Cineca1969@twitter.com 🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EuroHPC_JU/status/1595731699539009536
✨On our way to meet...#LeonardoHPC!
The 4th most powerful supercomputer in the world is being inaugurated today in #Bologna, follow the @Cineca1969 live event & learn more about this new @EuroHPC_JU high performance computer.
🗺️ Come city-hopping with us across Europe to check out our incredibly fast #SuperComputers, nowadays as powerful as 1.5 million laptops.
📌 First stop: 🇮🇹 Bologna, Italy
#DYK that #LeonardoHPC weighs as much as 4,700 people? Find out other facts & figures 👇
#supercomputers #DYK #LeonardoHPC #HPCSuperCities
1088 @Unibo@twitter.com 🥇🗺!
RT @DigitalEU@twitter.com
🗺️ Come city-hopping with us across Europe to check out our incredibly fast #SuperComputers, nowadays as powerful as 1.5 million laptops.
📌 First stop: 🇮🇹 Bologna, Italy
#DYK that #LeonardoHPC weighs as much as 4,700 people? Find out other facts & figures 👇
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DigitalEU/status/1594329464619638785
#supercomputers #dyk #LeonardoHPC #hpcsupercities
RT @Cineca1969
Leonardo's installation is approaching!
#AndersDamJensen and #Vangelis Floros, of the @EuroHPC_JU, visited the premises of the Tecnopolo, where #LeonardoHPC will be hosted. We are ready! Next week the supercomputer components will arrive in Bologna.
#LeonardoHPC #vangelis #AndersDamJensen