Gestern Abend ein bisschen Mazzesinsel Liebe 💚
#wienliebe #Leopoldstadt #wien
#wienliebe #Leopoldstadt #Wien
Verantwortungsloses Klimapack. Bis eine Unschuldige stirbt.
RT @LPDWien: In der #Leopoldstadt und am #Alsergrund haben mutmaßlich Klimaaktivist*innen bei rund 50 SUV Luft aus zumindest einem Reifen ausgelassen. Es konnten 2 Personen angehalten werden. Sie wurden auf freiem Fuß angezeigt. #Presseaussendungen
#Leopoldstadt #Alsergrund #Presseaussendungen
@JamesGleick That usage dates back to #JonathanMiller, medical doctor and member of #BeyondTheFringe, who was frequently asked, as you might expect for a funny doctor, "Are you Jewish," and would then respond "I'm Jew-ish." The phrase was taken up by #TomStoppard, who emigrated from the Czech Republic as a child, until he found out, only as an adult, that he was in fact Jewish and had lost family in the camps, the subject of his play "#Leopoldstadt," now running on Broadway.
#Leopoldstadt #tomstoppard #beyondthefringe #JonathanMiller
#NYJ, #B&T residing in #Manhattan since 1976, comfortable. #PaulAuster #TerrySouthern #WilliamGaddis #WilliamGoldman #WilliamJames #JamesThurber #AllenToussaint #YoLaTengo #DavidYazbek #TheBandsVisit #HollyCole #Leopoldstadt #JaneBirken #SergeGainsbourg #TheFanMan #OrsonWelles #ErnstLubitsch #PrestonSturges #MichaelTolkin #CharlesKaufman #FrancisCoppola #ComdenandGreen #LeonardBernstein #CharlesPeters #TomWolfe #JoanDidion #NormanMailer #HunterThompson #TerryGilliam #UmaThurman #HedyLamarr
#hedylamarr #UmaThurman #terrygilliam #HunterThompson #NormanMailer #JoanDidion #TomWolfe #CharlesPeters #LeonardBernstein #ComdenandGreen #FrancisCoppola #CharlesKaufman #MichaelTolkin #PrestonSturges #ernstlubitsch #orsonwelles #TheFanMan #SergeGainsbourg #JaneBirken #Leopoldstadt #HollyCole #TheBandsVisit #DavidYazbek #yolatengo #AllenToussaint #JamesThurber #WilliamJames #williamgoldman #WilliamGaddis #TerrySouthern #PaulAuster #manhattan #b #nyj