Mammals for a change! A cottontail rabbit. They're either a desert cottontail or an eastern cottontail, I'm not sure which, but the latter is more common where I am. I photographed them after sunset last night. August 2023 Central Texas.
ED1: I suspect the plant the bunny is eating is largely denuded scarlet spiderling (Boerhavia coccinea) the bunnies have been nibbling at for a while.
#nature #photography #mammals #leporidae #rabbits #nativeplants #Texas
#nativeplants #Texas #rabbits #Leporidae #mammals #Photography #Nature
Ist es eine gute Nachricht, dass immer weniger Feldhasen pro Jahr geschossen oder überfahren werden? Leider liegt es wohl einfach daran, dass es immer weniger von ihnen gibt.
#natur #NaturePhotography #nature #mammalia #Hasen #Leporidae #wildlife #hare #Feldhase #Lepus europaeus
#natur #naturephotography #nature #mammalia #Hasen #Leporidae #wildlife #hare #Feldhase #lepus
Care to let the hare command a cowardice stare?
#favoritedinosaurstudios #hare #rabbit #killerrabbit #killerrabbitofcaerbannog #wildlife #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #naturelovers #urbanwildlife #urbanjungle #urbannature #night #nightanimals #lepus #bunny #peter #petercottontail #cowardice #courage #Leporidae
#favoritedinosaurstudios #hare #rabbit #killerrabbit #killerrabbitofcaerbannog #wildlife #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #naturelovers #urbanwildlife #urbanjungle #urbannature #night #nightanimals #lepus #bunny #peter #petercottontail #cowardice #courage #Leporidae
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