How about some #Leprosy anyone? #mrnavaccines #mRNA #CovidJabs #StopTheShots #ShineTheLight
[PREMIERING 8/20, 8PM ET] mRNA Vaccines Have Biblical Disease as Adverse Event|Facts Matter
#Leprosy #mRNAvaccines #mRNA #covidjabs #stoptheshots #ShinetheLight
Cases of #COVID “vaccine” recipients developing #LEPROSY are on the rise
Biblical-era #diseases are making a comeback because of #OperationWarpSpeed
#Diseases #operationwarpspeed #covidvaccines #Leprosy
Leprosy has potential to regenerate livers, study finds | The Independent
Parasites associated with the disease can reprogramme cells to increase the size of a liver in armadillos, researchers found.
#Leprosy #Armadillos #Parasites #Liver #LiverRegeneration