Graffiti in Sepia-Schwarz-Weiß. Kleines Mädchen mit Haube im Les Miserables Lumpen-Look gezeichnet fegt ein Schild ab, auf dem weiß auf schwarz steht: Art is not dead! Der Hund - Symbol des Künstlers? Weiß jemand etwas darüber?
Gefunden Rue de petit Cocquempot,
Ecke Rue d'Hérambault, Montreuil-sur-Mer, Frankreich.
#streetart #LesMiserables #Montreuil
#montreuil #LesMiserables #streetart
Oh, hey! 😜
They're gonna do Les Misérables (2019 french ver) at Film Night in the Aula Regia!
#Charlemagne #KarlDerGroße #KaiserpfalzIngelheim #AulaRegia #LesMisérables
#Charlemagne #karldergroße #kaiserpfalzingelheim #aularegia #LesMiserables
Meine Urlaubslektüre ist auch abgeschlossen: "Die Elenden" von Victor Hugo. Grundlage für viele Verfilmungen und Musicals, wollte ich das Buch schon so lange lesen und bin positiv überrascht über den angenehmen und saloppen Erzählstil. Die Geschichte über Jean Valjean, den entflohen Galeerensträfling, der sich ein neues Leben aufbaut und eine Ziehtochter aufnimmt, mündet im Juniaufstand von 1832.
🎶 Master of the house? Isn't worth my spit! 🎶 I thought it was fitting for this year's #mar10day to fulfill the crossover all Nintendo fans were waiting for. Wario x Les Misérables!
#illustration #lesmiserables #wario #gaming #musical #illustationart #characterdesign #marioday #mario #mario #victorhugo #fanart #digitalart #monsieurthenardier #marioday2023 #illustration #irishtwitter #mastoart #art #mastodaoine #IrishMastodon
#mar10day #illustration #LesMiserables #wario #gaming #musical #illustationart #characterdesign #marioday #mario #victorhugo #fanart #digitalart #monsieurthenardier #marioday2023 #irishtwitter #mastoart #art #mastodaoine #IrishMastodon
in den #IdenDesMärz bei brutstatt #LEsMiserables Musical von 2012
#idendesmarz #LesMiserables #filmreview
Enter the world of #victorhugo and his classic tale, #lesmiserables with this entry in the #pocketfulofstories series. Two short tales, set 30 days apart, bring you into the world behind the barricades. #shortstories #bookstodon #ebookstodon #historicalfiction #histfic #indieauthorsofmastodon
#victorhugo #LesMiserables #pocketfulofstories #shortstories #bookstodon #ebookstodon #HistoricalFiction #histfic #indieauthorsofmastodon
Watching the Les Misérables 25th anniversary concert, and fucking hell, there is no better Valjean than Alfie Boe. None. I just watched “Bring Him Home,” and tears were basically shooting horizontally from my eyes. His phrasing, breath control, and restraint is just astonishing. My heart.
Me: *lays down #LesMiserables after the final page*
Husband: Still your favorite?
Me: Yup. Still my favorite.
Gestern habe ich endlich #Athena auf #Netflix gesehen. Meine Erwartungen in den Film, weil ich #LesMisérables von #LadjLy so großartig fand, haben sich nicht bestätigt. Was für ein verschenktes Potenzial! Die Kamera ist aufregend, die Bilder überwältigend, der Soundtrack Pathos pur, aber letztlich ists ein überlanger Videoclip in Kriegsfilmästhetik mit jeder Menge #RomainGavras Selbstzitaten, in der sämtliche Charaktere wie in einer endlos wiederholten Vorwärts-Rückwärts-Schleife zappeln …
#athena #netflix #LesMiserables #ladjly #romaingavras
Let’s go with this #Mastodon hashtag trend! #7FilmsToKnowMe refers to films you think encompass your character, or in my specific case also, related to my academic studies.
And yours? @histodons @academicchatter @archaeodons @militaryhistory
#theduelists #LesMiserables #Stalingrad #thelordoftherings #Kagemusha #7filmstoknowme #mastodon
#LesMisérables - Auch auf zu sehen:
Merci für euren Tipp!
#PhantomOfTheOpera -
Meu primeiro contato com esse gênero por influência de uma amiga muito querida.
Guardo num lugar especial, foi o primeiro musical que cai fundo pesquisando e lendo tudo que eu achava.
#LoveNeverDies -
Fã de Fantasma da Ópera em algum momento acaba caindo aqui infelizmente...
#LesMiserables -
Conheci pelo filme, depois fui atrás de outras versões pelo elenco
As músicas foram muito importantes pra mim em uma época que lutei pelos que achava certo.
#phantomoftheopera #loveneverdies #LesMiserables
Le registre pathétique n'est-il pas au cœur de cette faculté de la littérature, de créer et d'entretenir des liens humains ?
#littérature #registres #coursdefrançais #bac #lesmisérables #victorhugo #cosette #christ #pathétique #pathos #humain #humanité #lettres #livres
#litterature #registres #coursdefrancais #bac #LesMiserables #victorhugo #cosette #christ #pathetique #pathos #humain #humanite #lettres #livres
#BroadwayWorld 宽街戏剧新闻:
Watch @joshgroban in his upcoming @PBS concert special as he sings 'Bring Him Home' from #LesMiserables!
#BroadwayWorld #LesMiserables #theater
#BroadwayWorld 宽街戏剧新闻:
Watch @joshgroban sing 'Bring Him Home' from #LesMiserables in his upcoming @PBS concert special!
#BroadwayWorld #LesMiserables #theater
@Erdrandbewohner Und ich dachte: „Red! The blood of angry men! Black! The night before the dawn!“. #LesMiserables
Trying out this #introduction thing. Hi! Fiftysomething, stay-at home dad for kid with #Downs and kid with severe #anxiety. Hev into learning #japaneselanguage. Luv #Japanesegardens. Big on #RaisedBed gardens. Ridiculously long unabridged #audiobooks enthusiast (recent fav: “The Power Broker” by #robertcaro; adored tangents in #LesMiserables; mult voyages thru #aubreymaturin; etc). Moderate #socialanxiety. Trump despiser since 1985. Owner of high energy #australianshepherd. Mantra: #BeNice.
#introduction #Downs #anxiety #japaneselanguage #Japanesegardens #RaisedBed #audiobooks #robertcaro #LesMiserables #aubreymaturin #socialanxiety #australianshepherd #BeNice
#BroadwayWorld 宽街戏剧新闻:
Watch @taylorswift13 recall her 'nightmare' screen test with Eddie Redmayne for #LesMiserables!
#BroadwayWorld #LesMiserables #theater