The #LesbianHistoricMotifProject is skimming through the female-relevant content of The Cambridge History of Gay and Lesbian Literature. Here's what we've covered to date:
Two days in a row getting a blog up on the #LesbianHistoricMotifProject —the chapter on Sappho in The Cambridge History of Gay and Lesbian Literature.
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #LesbianHistory
I'm getting back into the swing of the #LesbianHistoricMotifProject blogging by tackling…
I was very startled to realized that my unplanned #LesbianHistoricMotifProject blog vacation has been going on since last December! Yikes! Well, in the interests of working through several reference works to prepare for my podcast on lesbian gothics, I’ve put up four publications today (rather than my usual practice of one per week).
Will I return to regular blogging? I hope so!
The #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast tells you what's "On the Shelf for September 2023” with announcements of new historical fiction releases and interviews with and Katharine Quarmby.
#LesbianFiction #LesbianHistory #SapphicFiction #SapphicHistory
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #lesbianfiction #LesbianHistory #sapphicfiction #sapphichistory
I did two lovely interviews this morning for next week's #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast! We'll be talking about fiction inspired by historic archives and how to imagine queer lives in the Neolithic.
If you're an author or historian working around the topic of women loving women in history, and you'd be interested in talking about your work on my podcast, drop me a note to ask!
#LesbianHistory #SapphicHistory #LesbianFiction #SapphicFiction
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #LesbianHistory #sapphichistory #lesbianfiction #sapphicfiction
I'm trying to strategize how to spread the word more broadly on Mastodon about the #LesbianHistoricMotifProject. How to get that random discoverability dynamic that Twitter seemed to do so well. My baseline "this is what I can do when I have no time/energy" is posting about new episodes with hashtags. I'm still trying to figure out the dynamics and etiquette around posting to groups before I put my foot in something. (Also managing groups so my feed isn't swamped.)
Advice *is* welcome.
Inspired, in part, by our recent fiction episode, this month the #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast brings you another “Our F/Favorite Tropes" show, featuring female spies in history!
We love our adventurous, angsty spy-vs-spy historic romances, right? But if you think the main hurdle for a sapphic historical spy romance is the believability of women as spies, you should think again.
#LesbianHistory #SapphicHistory #HistoricalRomance #LesbianFiction #SapphicFiction
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #LesbianHistory #sapphichistory #historicalromance #lesbianfiction #sapphicfiction
The #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast has interviews out the wazoo in this month's On the Shelf episode. Hear from Annemarie K.D. (author of last week's story), Meredith Rose (whose Shelockian "A Study in Garnet" is my current read), and Lee Swanson (author of a fascinating series featuring medieval Hanseatic merchants).
Plus the usual round-up of new books!
#LesbianHistory #SapphicHistory #LesbianFiction #SapphicFiction
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #LesbianHistory #sapphichistory #lesbianfiction #sapphicfiction
New fiction on the #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast! Annemarie KD's story "To the Fair Muse who, Loving Me, Imagin'd More" imagines a romantic interlude for 17th c poet, playwright, and spy Aphra Behn.
#LesbianFiction #LesbianHistory #SapphicFiction #SapphicHistory
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #lesbianfiction #LesbianHistory #sapphicfiction #sapphichistory
A casual question on social media inspired this month's #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast "Lesbians as a 'Third Sex'". What is the history of this concept? And did it exist outside of academic discourse?
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #LesbianHistory
New month, new "On the Shelf" episode at the #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast! This month, in addition to the usual round-up of new and recent #LesbianHistoricalFiction and #SapphicHistoricalFiction we have 2--count them, two--interviews: Dee Holloway talks about her new book Little Nothings from Queen of Swords Press, and Lianyu Tan talks about her Lammy-winning The Wicked and the Willing.
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #lesbianhistoricalfiction #SapphicHistoricalFiction
@anders_von_hadern @vagina_museum The idea of lesbians being considered a “third sex” or as falling intermediately on a gender scale between men and women, or as partaking of both male and female traits (all slightly different concepts, but related) is fairly old. As in, maybe as old as classical philosophy. I’d have to go through my research notes for specifics but it might make an interesting topic for my podcast. (The #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast.) 1/+
There's something sexy about money and status! The #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast's "Our F/Favorite Tropes" series tackles the possibilities for aristocrats and billionaires in sapphic historical romance. Can you make a "duchess romance" work without sliding sideways into fantasy? And how do the parallels between aristocracy and wealth play out differently for female couples?
#LesbianHistoricalRomance #LesbianFiction #SapphicHistoricalRomance #SapphicFiction
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #lesbianhistoricalromance #lesbianfiction #sapphichistoricalromance #sapphicfiction
The #LesbianHistoricMotifProject June "On the Shelf" episode is up, with your usual round-up of new fiction, history books I"ve been shopping for, and notes on what I've been reading lately.
#LesbianHistoricalFiction #SapphicHistoricalFiction #LesbianHistoricalRomance #SapphicHistoricalRomance #LesbianHistory
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #lesbianhistoricalfiction #SapphicHistoricalFiction #lesbianhistoricalromance #sapphichistoricalromance #LesbianHistory
So excited for the #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast to present this interview with Jill Liddington to talk about all things Ann Lister, and her new book As Good As A Marriage!
Liddington's earlier book, Female Fortune inspired the tv series #GentlemanJack. The new book looks at the first 2 years of the Lister/Walker marriage.
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #gentlemanjack
The #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast presents what's "On the Shelf" for May 2023! In addition to our roundup of new and recent #SapphicHistoricalFiction & #SapphicHistoricalRomance we have an interview with @Clundoff about her pirates-and-spies story in last week's episode.
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #SapphicHistoricalFiction #sapphichistoricalromance
Ever wondered who the #LesbianHistoricMotifProject Podcast has interviewed? Now we have an index!
The #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast is delighted to release @Clundoff's newest short story: "The Pirate in the Mirror", a tale of Jacquotte and Celeste, an old rival, and hidden gold!
Quarterly, the LHMPodcast presents new original sapphic historical short fiction for your enjoyment. Subscribe to the podcast for that and all our other #SapphicHistoricalFiction content!
#LesbianHistoricMotifProject #SapphicHistoricalFiction
Sigh. Yet another book turning up in my keyword search for sapphic historical fiction that gives me no clue why it's associated with the keyword "lesbian." "...her fight to be who she is" is the only potential dogwhistle in the cover copy. No preview available, no reviews that might help out. Guess I'll give it a miss in the podcast's new book listings. Sorry author, but if you want me to help promote your book, you have to give me more of a clue. #LesbianHistoricMotifProject