Für mich persönlich diese Woche besonders relevant:
#LesbianVisibilityWeek 👭 🏳️🌈
#Walpurgisnacht 🧙♀️ 🧙
#LeipzigerBuchmesse: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leipziger_Buchmesse ✍️ 📖 👂 📚
#LesbianVisibilityWeek #walpurgisnacht #leipzigerbuchmesse
Happy #LesbianVisibilityWeek! Had to draw my own lesbian bugs who are very much in love with each other. I hope y'all find someone who adores you as much as they adore each other.
#AnthroMoth #AnthroButterfly #AnthroBug #OriginalCharacter #Lesbian
#lesbian #OriginalCharacter #anthrobug #anthrobutterfly #anthromoth #LesbianVisibilityWeek
RT @ZenaAndPoppy
New Video!
To Celebrate Lesbian Visibility Week, A Study Shows That Lesbians Are Fantastic Trans Allies!
#sapphic #lesbians #lwiththet #lvw23 #LesbianVisibilityWeek
Comunque visto che è la #lesbianvisibilityweek (questo non ha ASSOLUTAMENTE a che fare con il mio prendere la maglietta di ieri, ahah, che idee) mi limito a darvi un suggerimento di #movies così che magari anche voi potete fare qualcosa di caruccio.
Siccome poi sono del team #idrammicihannorottoilcazzo il suggerimento è, appunto, drama free.
#LesbianVisibilityWeek #movies #idrammicihannorottoilcazzo
Für mich persönlich diese Woche besonders relevant:
#LesbianVisibilityWeek 👭 🏳️🌈
#BuchmesseLeipzig #LeipzigerBuchmesse 📚
Diese ist lt. Claudia Roth, Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien, "ein Fest der Demokratie, weil Literatur eine Stimme der Demokratie ist"! ☮️ 🌈
Wer auf der Messe ist - schaut mal vorbei beim Stand des
Selfpublisher-Verbands (da besonders nach meinem Roman "Die Wellen brechen" ☺️) und beim Stand von SAGA Egmont (da besonders nach meinem Hörbuch "Heimkehr zu ihr" ☺️)! ✍️ 📖 👂 ❣️
#LesbianVisibilityWeek #buchmesseleipzig #leipzigerbuchmesse
"Das Lied der Tollpatsche und weitere Geschichten aus dem Herbstgebirge" erscheint Mitte Mai als limitierte Printversion! 😱🎉🌈
Passend zur #LesbianVisibilityWeek kam mein Probedruck vom "Lied der Tollpatsche" bei mir an. Das Büchlein ist so klein und niedlich (Din A 6💜). Nur noch ein paar Korrekturen, dann werde ich wohl nächste Woche den Druck dieser limitierten Printauflage anstupsen 🎈
Das Büchlein wird hat 103 Seiten haben und 3€ kosten. Neben der
new sticker on my Patreon just dropped
#patreon #lgbt #LesbianVisibilityWeek #lesbianpride
Kate McKinnon was in a little known 1985 movie called Gotcha. She turns 58 next year.
#AlternativeFacts #fakenews #thisisnottrue #imadethisup #KateMcKinnon #Gotcha #80smovies #lesbianvisibilityweek
#LesbianVisibilityWeek #80smovies #gotcha #katemckinnon #imadethisup #thisisnottrue #fakenews #alternativefacts
RT @gaytimes
It's #LesbianVisibilityWeek so let's explore some lesbian dating tips with LGBTQIA+ creator and presenter, @rosietdaily for the latest #HingeNFAQ 💖🧡🤍
#LesbianVisibilityWeek #hingenfaq
Taking these to Swansea Pride at the weekend :) #pride #LesbianVisibilityWeek #swanseaPride
#swanseapride #LesbianVisibilityWeek #pride
RT @SexworkID
Weil #LesbianVisibilityWeek ist, hier ein Bericht über die großartige Kollegin @KristinaMarlen_ und ihren Alltag als lesbische Sexarbeiterin
Happy #LesbianVisibilityWeek to all in #OpenStreetMap!
#LesbianVisibilityWeek #OpenStreetMap #lesbianvisibilityday #OSM #lesbian
Happy #LesbianVisibilityWeek to all in #OpenStreetMap!
#LesbianVisibilityWeek #OpenStreetMap #lesbianvisibilityday #OSM #lesbian
This year's #LesbianVisibilityWeek inspired me to start reading a book that had been on my to-read list for a long time: The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri!
I'm only one chapter in, but I feel like this is going to be a wild ride!
#sapphicbooks #books #amreading #LesbianVisibilityWeek
👭 In honor of #LesbianVisibilityWeek
Out-early-and-proud #lesbian #MelissaEtheridge dropped this video 30 years ago.
"I'm The Only One"
🎬 Directed by #DavidHogan
#TheLWord #anthem #LGBTQIA #rock #Music #davidhogan #MelissaEtheridge #lesbian #LesbianVisibilityWeek
I wrote a post on my blog with 30 recommendations for books with lesbian protagonists!
And I'd be very happy to receive more recommendations, especially with trans women as protagonists :D
#amreading #lgbtqbooks #LesbianVisibilityWeek
Happy #LesbianVisibilityWeek ! 💜
As a writer, I'll celebrate by continuing to write my badass lesbian characters and their (sometimes angsty) adventures! Here's a shoutout to all my lovely couples (so far):
Carys & Ishana
Arianell & Ellis
Briaca & Qinyang
Annabelle & Claire
Aisling & Róisín
Chloe & Sophia
Liesel & Kathrin
Monica & Viktoria
Ffion & Síle
Saoirse & Samhradh
Nuala & Tomris
Marjaana & Saara
#lgbtq #writingcommunity #LesbianVisibilityWeek