[1985] Micro Live - This episode comes live from the British Telecom Research Laboratory at Martlesham Heath, near Ipswich. Ian McNaught-Davis looks at some of the latest developments in telecommunications. With Fred Harris and Lesley Judd.
#OldBritishTelly #MicroLive #LesleyJudd #FredHarris
[1985] Micro Live - Bill Bruford - whose drumming CV includes bands like Yes, King Crimson and Genesis - demonstrates the percussive potential of the Simmons electronic drum kit for Lesley Judd, on Micro Live. Ian McNaught-Davies then chats to Dave Simmons - the inventor of the drum kits.
#OldBritishTelly #MicroLive #BillBruford #LesleyJudd #DaveSimmons
#OldBritishTelly #MicroLive #billbruford #LesleyJudd #DaveSimmons