Johnny Cache · @mondegreen
180 followers · 246 posts · Server

The internet was down, so we had to watch one of the movies on my local network.

We're watching for the first time in many years. Some of the humour and references are quite dated, but thankfully the slapstick bits will never get old.

was so fantastic at playing such a goofy character in a serious way.

#thenakedgun #LeslieNielson

Last updated 2 years ago

Matt Crump · @MattCrumpLab
1117 followers · 68 posts · Server

Quick post

I'm a professor at of studying human . I use open-source software all the time-- mostly and javascript, but sometimes other stuff. I'm a big fan of open-educational resources, and I turn my own course material into when I can. I cycle on and off social media, currently on. I :ac_heart: , making and , movies with , , my , and eating good . See ya round!

#introduction #BrooklynCollege #cuny #cognition #rstats #oers #synthesizers #music #art #LeslieNielson #scifi #cats #food

Last updated 2 years ago