RT @medeabenjamin
What a beautiful interview with Cuba's Elián González. Such wisdom and emotion from personal experience (losing his mother) about how US policy is hurting the Cuban people. I wish Biden would watch this!
#LetCubaLive https://twitter.com/bellybeastcuba/status/1649399370817630208
RT @codepink@twitter.com
There is no legal or moral justification to list Cuba as a state sponsor of terror. This important letter signed by 160 lawyers makes that clear. We’re proud to have helped gather signatures! #LetCubaLive https://twitter.com/bellybeastcuba/status/1617592903198703616
RT @medeabenjamin
Here we were in Congress today, lobbying to take Cuba off the state sponsor of terrorism list. #letCubalive
Cuban Foreign Minister Speaks on Lifting U.S. Embargo; UN Overwhelmingly Agrees
In early November, representatives to the United Nations (UN) debated U.S. policy toward Cuba, and as they have done every time for the last 30 years — voted against the US embargo.
An online political journal, World-Outlook, just published the Foreign Minister’s speech:
U.S. Blockade of Cuba: ‘A Permanent Pandemic, a Constant Hurricane’ - World-Outlook — https://world-outlook.com/2022/11/29/u-s-blockade-of-cuba-a-permanent-pandemic-a-constant-hurricane/
#Cuba #LetCubaLive #EndTheBlockade
#EndTheBlockade #LetCubaLive #cuba
RT @ManuPineda: 🇨🇺 La solidaridad europea con #Cuba se da cita hoy en el Parlamento Europeo. Más de 160 personas de diversos rincones del continente nos encontramos para seguir construyendo solidaridad con Cuba y su Revolución.
#Cuba #mejorsinbloqueo #LetCubaLive
RT @medeabenjamin@twitter.com
BREAKING NEWS: The world once again overwhelmingly opposes the US embargo on Cuba by a UN vote of 185 to 2 (US and Israel). US is stands alone in its cruel policy to harm the Cuban people. #LetCubaLive
RT @JoseCarlosRRuiz@twitter.com
Denunciamo 👉attacco terroristico contro l'ambasciata #cubana in #Francia: lanciate 3 molotov. #26luglio. Questo è il vero cuore di chi promuove bullismo politico-mediatico e odio contro #Cuba. Parlano di "libertà" e fanno bullismo. Cinici! #LetCubaLive http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2021/07/26/ataque-terrorista-contra-embajada-de-cuba-en-francia-lanzan-tres-cocteles-molotov/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JoseCarlosRRuiz/status/1419962520492781571
#LetCubaLive #cuba #26luglio #francia #cubana
RT @smnvzqz@twitter.com
Més de 400 personalitats d'arreu del món impulsen un manifest a The New York Times @nytimes@twitter.com promogut des de @PeoplesForumNYC@twitter.com en solidaritat amb Cuba i demanant la fi del bloqueig.
#LetCubaLive #DejenVivirACuba
RT @PeoplesForumNYC@twitter.com
Live from Union Square in NYC we’re joining @illuminator99@twitter.com in collab with @codepink@twitter.com @answercoalition@twitter.com to say no to the US blockade of Cuba #LetCubaLive #UnblockCuba
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PeoplesForumNYC/status/1418376105032040453
DEIXEM CUBA LIVRE - Personalidades do mundo todo enviam carta para Joe Biden em defesa de Cuba, inclusive alguns brasileiros, como Lula
RT @CubaMINREX@twitter.com
Más de 400 ex jefes de estado, políticos, intelectuales, científicos, clérigos, artistas, músicos, líderes y activistas de todo el mundo pide a la Joseph Biden que levante de inmediato las sanciones contra Cuba🇨🇺.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CubaMINREX/status/1418304002605846530