To make it clear, stocks ponzi's have been worse, and again worse over the past 108 years based on what?

Say it with us, "".

Fiat, latin for , must be dismantled to restore not only , but .

The invented by has run its course over the past 108 years like a . It took a while for to produce a .

Erradicate the disease and — learn :P

#fiat #LetItBeSo #peace #balance #FiatDisease #centralBankers #virus #humanity #vaccine #LetItNotBeSo #bitcoin

Last updated 4 years ago

Globally we are in a state of .

It involves and , yes. Also .

and are diseases in the (translated: ) system.

When people really start turning up at and start demanding change away from cronyism, only then can we say we have a problem, not before.

Its up to each of us to .

#overshoot #population #consumption #propertyDevelopment #corporatism #cronyism #fiat #LetItBeSo #localGovt #distribution #LetItNotBeSo

Last updated 4 years ago