One of my favorite horror films is a Swedish vampire story with children as the lead actors. It’s by Tomas Alfredson, based on the 2004 novel of the same title by John Ajvide Lindqvist, Let the Right One In /
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#Horror #Vampire #HorrorFilms #LetTheRightOneIn
What’s yours?
#LetTheRightOneIn #horrorfilms #Vampire #horror
I finally watched #LetMeIn and the reviews I read are right: It's a very good #Hollywood #remake of the original #Swedish, #LetTheRightOneIn (#LåtDenRätteKommaIn); maybe the best such #movie I've seen.
It sticks to the story and looks great. I especially love the lighting of the railroad, bridge (b/w!), and pool shot (you'll know them when you see them).
I liked the treatment of the parents, especially mom, but the religiosity added nothing.
It's still a #LoveStory. In a way.
#powerimbalance #lovestory #movie #latdenrattekommain #LetTheRightOneIn #swedish #remake #hollywood #letmein
My fraidy cat journey rounded out with the terrific production of #LetTheRightOneIn at Berkeley Rep. The show's magic and storyline are stunning. Jumped a few times, not gonna lie. My review for #KQED #hellatheatre
#LetTheRightOneIn #kqed #hellatheatre
Showtime Cancels "American Gigolo" and "Let the Right One In"; Pulls the Plug on "Three Women" #AmericanGigolo #LetTheRightOneIn #ThreeWomen #Showtime
#showtime #threewomen #LetTheRightOneIn #AmericanGigolo
We watched the new series, #LetTheRightOneIn
Мой рейтинг для:Let the Right One In ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ #LetTheRightOneIn #trakt
#NowWatching: #LåtDenRätteKommaIn #LetTheRightOneIn, a story of true young #love.
#latdenrattekommain #Vampire #love #LetTheRightOneIn #nowwatching
Just finished #LetTheRightOneIn - really great stuff. Solid cliffhanger to end on, hope we get more!
Still watching #LetTheRightOneIn on Showtime. Really digging Demián Bichir & Kevin Carroll in this show. The show does a really great job of articulating the difficulty of raising a vampire child.
Digging #LetTheRightOneIn on Showtime so far - I’m always down for Grace Gummer and nice to see Nick Stahl in something.
It's currently on #CriterionChannel along with #LetTheRightOneIn and many other vampire flicks like #TheHunger, the #LesVampires silents, #Dracula 1931, #Nosferatu and #NosferatuTheVampyre, #NearDark, #IrmaVep 1996 and several more.
Many of these are leaving the service December 31 though.
#irmavep #neardark #nosferatuthevampyre #nosferatu #dracula #lesvampires #thehunger #LetTheRightOneIn #criterionchannel
Is there a third film I can add to the unofficial modern female #vampire in love series, along with #LetTheRightOneIn (young love), and #AGirlWalksHomeAloneAtNight (young adult love)?
They're both well done and subversive, and I highly recommend them even though I don't like bloody, violent movies in general.
These are stories about real #love and acceptance; more so than just about any #RomCom, ever (I don't know if #WhenHarryMetSally holds up, especially after how flawed #Brazil seems now).
#Brazil #whenharrymetsally #romcom #love #agirlwalkshomealoneatnight #LetTheRightOneIn #Vampire
Let the Right One In Season 1 ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ #LetTheRightOneIn #trakt
Watched the season finale of Let the Right One In last night, and Holy Shit I did not see that twist at the bend coming. Please let there be a next season
REVIEW: Showtime's "Let the Right One In" - Episode 1.10 "What's Done in the Dark" #LetTheRightOneIn #Showtime
TV TONIGHT (December 11)
#TheHolidaySitter #SingleAndReadyToJingle #MustLoveChristmas #TheWhiteLotus #LetTheRightOneIn #HolidayWars #RickAndMorty #NFL #FamilyLaw #DirtyJobs #YellowstoneTV #TheGreatNorth #TheToysThatBuiltAmerica #AmericanMonster
#americanmonster #thetoysthatbuiltamerica #TheGreatNorth #yellowstoneTV #Dirtyjobs #familylaw #NFL #rickandmorty #holidaywars #LetTheRightOneIn #TheWhiteLotus #mustlovechristmas #singleandreadytojingle #theholidaysitter
I'm not a fan of remakes, esp not of European films relocated+revised for US audiences. while I liked the 2008 Swedish film on which this Showtime TV version is based, enough details from the film template are changed in this version to make it distinctive in its own right.
the 1st season finale, which I've just seen, pays off many of the slow burning plot points sprinkled among the 10 episodes, with a shock ending I genuinely didn't see coming. recommended.
#LetTheRightOneIn #Season1Finale
#LetTheRightOneIn #season1finale
I’ve tidied my #Goodreads shelves, crikey, they were all over the show!
I was looking at my ‘best of’ shelves and thought I’d share a stand-out book from each year 2016-2021
#WitchLight (aka #Corrag) 2016
#ThePuppetShow 2018
#LetTheRightOneIn 2019
#TheEndOfAlice 2020
#MaryAnnSateImbecile 2021
I also deleted about 150 books from my ‘to read shelf’, how my tastes have changed over time!
Any of these a blast from your reading past?
#goodreads #Witchlight #Corrag #TheWitchFindersSister #ThePuppetShow #LetTheRightOneIn #TheEndOfAlice #MaryAnnSateImbecile #bookstodon #books
I’ve tidied my #Goodreads shelves, crikey, they were all over the show!
I was looking at my ‘best of’ shelves and thought I’d share a stand-out book from each year 2016-2021
#WitchLight (aka #Corrag) 2016
#ThePuppetShow 2018
#LetTheRightOneIn 2019
#TheEndOfAlice 2020
#MaryAnnSateImbecile 2021
I also deleted about 150 books from my ‘to read shelf’, how my tastes have changed over time!
Any of these a blast from your reading past?
#goodreads #Witchlight #Corrag #TheWitchFindersSister #ThePuppetShow #LetTheRightOneIn #TheEndOfAlice #MaryAnnSateImbecile #bookstodon #books