@threetails @douglasvb @GreenFire @fuchsiii Which is kinda absurd but then explains the extreme #lethality of U.S. roads even when adjusted per capita:
Vehicles are allowed to be sold as road-legal in the #USA that would be completely illegal in the #EU due to their front being basically a lethal wall, increasing the chance of more severe and lethal trauma by less protected traffic participants like pedestrian, cyclists, scooter and motorcycle drivers as well as smaller vehicles...
Those people got murdered by #Frontex and the #HCG because that was intended...
The #Lethality of the #borders of "#FortressEurope" is not an accident but intentional!
#FrontexKills #FerriesNotFrontex
#FerriesNotFrontex #FrontexKills #fortresseurope #borders #Lethality #hcg #Frontex
Kwon Eunbi クォンウンビ Hi 日本語訳 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1691079/global-beauties/
#hi #KwonEunbi #Lethality #underwater #クォン・ウンビ #권은비
kwon eun bi underwater クォン・ウンビ 3rd Lethality iz*one kwoneunbi reaction ユニカビジョン kwoneunbi japan https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1624088/global-beauties/
#Eunbivlog #iz*onekwoneunbi #IZ*ONEreaction #IZONE #kpopreactionjapan #KWONEUNBI #kwoneunbidoor #kwoneunbiesper #kwoneunbiunderwater #kwoneunbiunderwaterreaction #kwoneunbireaction #KwonEunBi #kwoneunbijapan #kwoneunbireaction #kwoneunbi日本語字幕 #lethality #PRODUCE48 #PRODUCE48 #RUBI #RUBIJAPAN #Ye-A #アイズワン #アイズワンクォン・ウンビ #クォン・ウンビ #クォンウンビ #ユニカビジョン #權恩妃 #권은비 #아이즈원 #아이즈원권은비 #카쥬
#kpopreactionjapan #Eunbivlog #iz #izone #權恩妃 #권은비 #아이즈원 #KwonEunbi #kwoneunbidoor #kwoneunbiesper #kwoneunbiunderwater #kwoneunbiunderwaterreaction #produce48 #rubi #ユニカビジョン #카쥬 #kwoneunbireaction #kwoneunbijapan #kwoneunbi日本語字幕 #Lethality #RUBIJAPAN #ye #アイズワン #アイズワンクォン #クォン #クォンウンビ #아이즈원권은비
Despite challenges in the current security environment, the United States will continue to pursue engagement with other nuclear-armed states where possible to reduce nuclear risks, the undersecretary of defense for policy said. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3118778/dod-committed-to-reducing-risk-of-nuclear-war-says-official/ #Lethality #USDEFENSE
The Defense Department would like nothing better than the total elimination of all nuclear weapons worldwide, the undersecretary of defense for policy said. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3118778/dod-committed-to-reducing-risk-of-nuclear-war-says-official/ #Lethality #USDEFENSE