Another visitor from across the pond - two days running! This time a Laughing Gull turned up in South Devon. After a four hour wait and just as I was leaving, it was sighted on the next beach along. First time I've seen this species in the UK. Phew!
#LaughingGull #Gull #RingNeckedDuck #UKBirding #Birding #Birds #Wildlife #Devon #LeucophaeusAtricilla #AythyaCollaris #Lucky #Luck #Jammy #Wildlife #HappyDays
Laughing Gull.
Black-headed and Laughing Gull.
Ring-necked Gull (through reeds).
#happydays #jammy #luck #lucky #aythyacollaris #Leucophaeusatricilla #devon #wildlife #birds #birding #ukbirding #ringneckedduck #gull #laughinggull
Laughing gull / Leucophaeus atricilla
with Ring-billed gulls / Larus delawarensis and Bonaparte's gulls / Chroicocephalus philadelphia
#gulls #gull #laughinggull #ringbeakedgull #bonapartesgull #Leucophaeusatricilla #Larusdelawarensis #Chroicocephalusphiladelphia #NikonD7200 #Sigma150600 #rawtherapee #darktable #fossphotography #bird #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birding #wildlifephotography #birdlovers #鳥 #vogel #wildlife
#wildlife #vogel #鳥 #birdlovers #wildlifephotography #birding #birdphotography #birdwatching #birds #bird #fossphotography #darktable #rawtherapee #Sigma150600 #nikond7200 #Chroicocephalusphiladelphia #Larusdelawarensis #Leucophaeusatricilla #bonapartesgull #ringbeakedgull #laughinggull #gull #gulls