Καλωσορίζοντας περισσότερους από 1.200 νέους στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο, η @EP_President Roberta Metsola μίλησε στην εκδήλωση @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22 στις Βρυξέλλες.
🔗Η ομιλία της http://bit.ly/3EuR68d
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_EL/status/1594316881611165698
It was great having the #EYY2022 ambassadors at the #LevelUp22 bootcamp📍
An opportunity for them to gain new skills and a unique moment for us to listen to over a thousand voices of young Europeans!
#VoiceYourVision on the future of 🇪🇺 too 👉 http://voices.youth.europa.eu
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/GabrielMariya/status/1593142165546278913
#EYY2022 #LevelUp22 #VoiceYourVision
“Fantastično je vidjeti dvoranu Europskog parlamenta punu mladih ljudi koji su došli na @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22. Svi iz različitih sredina, s različitim težnjama, ali ujedinjeni u uvjerenju. Oni su ti koji stvaraju promjene.” - Roberta Metsola, @EP_President🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_HR/status/1591460815491809281
¿Qué esperáis del Parlamento Europeo?
¿Qué esperáis de Europa?
¿Qué significa Europa para vosotros?
🇪🇺 Vuelve a escuchar a la @EP_President, Roberta Metsola, en el encuentro #Levelup22 con jóvenes de toda la UE que organizamos recientemente 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ES/status/1591381539937390592
RT @EP_President: Fantastic to see our @europarl_en chamber full of young people attending the @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22.
All from different backgrounds, with distinct aspirations but united in belief.
These are the change-makers.
#EYY2022 https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1yNGaNyjZaRJj
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1585912566676529153
RT @EP_President: Fantastic to see our @europarl_en chamber full of young people attending the @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22.
All from different backgrounds, with distinct aspirations but united in belief.
These are the change-makers.
#EYY2022 https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1yNGaNyjZaRJj
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1590678837847019524
RT @fakescape_cz: Minulý týden jsme se zúčastnil #LevelUp22 na půdě Evropského parlamentu 🇪🇺
Dva dny nabitého programu jsmme s dalšími organizacemi mládeže vyplnili tématy o demokracii, občanské participaci a dalšími ✌️
Děkujeme @Europarl_EYE @Europarl_CZ
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_CZ/status/1589918433327845377
RT @EuropeanYouthEU: We had an incredible time in Brussels 🇧🇪 with the #EYY2022 ambassadors at the #LevelUp22 conference!
Each of the 4️⃣ #EYYAmbassadors proudly represented EYY, promoted an EYY topic and gained skills to make a difference in their community 💪
Stay tuned for more!
#EYY2022 #LevelUp22 #EYYAmbassadors
RT @marianagomesll@twitter.com
Representei Portugal no Parlamento Europeu no #LevelUp22 . A caminho do aeroporto, fui assaltada e levaram-me tudo. Não sei quando nem como vou regressar. Mas com a vossa ajuda, qualquer que seja, poderá ser mais rápido ❤️
Partilhem por favor 🫶🏽
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/marianagomesll/status/1586642044923117568
RT @EP_President: Fantastic to see our @europarl_en chamber full of young people attending the @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22.
All from different backgrounds, with distinct aspirations but united in belief.
These are the change-makers.
“Minunat să văd sala noastră de la @europarl_en plină de oameni tineri prezenți la @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22.
Toți cu un istoric diferit, aspirații distincte, dar sunt uniți în credință.
Ei sunt cei care produc schimbarea.”
RT @EP_President: Fantastic to see our @europarl_en chamber full of young people attending the @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22.
All from different backgrounds, with distinct aspirations but united in belief.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_RO/status/1585948022831284224
RT @EP_President: Fantastic to see our @europarl_en chamber full of young people attending the @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22.
All from different backgrounds, with distinct aspirations but united in belief.
These are the change-makers.
RT @EP_President: Fantastic to see our @europarl_en chamber full of young people attending the @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22.
All from different backgrounds, with distinct aspirations but united in belief.
These are the change-makers.
#EYY2022 https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1yNGaNyjZaRJj
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_FR/status/1585921434957881345
RT @Youth_Forum: What is the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI)?👀 Cool democracy tool that give you a say in EU policies🕵️
It's the way to use your right to act on issues that you care about 🌎🌡️ How?
Find out here👉 https://europa.eu/citizens-initiative/_en?pk_source=facebook&pk_medium=social_media_organic&pk_campaign=levelup and at #LevelUp22 ⬆️ this Friday
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_NL/status/1585624148696788992
#LevelUp22 #EUTakeTheInitiative
The LevelUP❗️
conference started this morning with the opening speech of
Download 📷photos of the event at: http://eptwitter.eu/q9zW
RT @EP_President: Fantastic to see our @europarl_en chamber full of young people attending the @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22.
All from different backgrounds, with distinct aspirations but united in belief.
These are the change-makers.
#EYY2022 https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1yNGaNyjZaRJj
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_HR/status/1585929222467510272
⚪️ @EP_President: “Fantastico vedere l’aula del Parlamento europeo piena di giovani che partecipano al @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22.
Tutti di diversa provenienza, con aspirazioni distinte ma uniti nella convinzione.
Questi sono i creatori del cambiamento”.
RT @EP_President: Fantastic to see our @europarl_en chamber full of young people attending the @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22.
All from different backgrounds, with distinct asp…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_IT/status/1585908375988371456
"Fantastično je videti dvorano @Europarl_SL polno mladih, ki se udeležujejo @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22. Z različnimi ozadji, s specifičnimi težnjami, a združeni v veri v boljši jutri. To so prinašalci sprememb."
- @EP_President🇪🇺 Roberta Metsola
RT @EP_President: Fantastic to see our @europarl_en chamber full of young people attending the @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22.
All from different backgrounds, with distinct aspirations but…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_SL/status/1585917859305508864
Fantastic to see our @europarl_en chamber full of young people attending the @Youth_Forum #LevelUp22.
All from different backgrounds, with distinct aspirations but united in belief.
These are the change-makers.
#EYY2022 https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1yNGaNyjZaRJj
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EP_President/status/1585906855976620032