‘the majority of the hedge fund and other tycoons did not have any skin in the game with regard to the trade with Europe that is being so badly hampered. Their interests lay with getting rid of rules and regulations, or, as the disillusioned Brexiter Guy Hands admitted: “What Brexit was largely about was people at the top being able to employ the rest of the country for a lot less and pay a lot less tax.”’
#Brexit #Lexit https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/sep/03/my-bittersweet-holiday-offered-no-break-from-brexit-woes?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Trees talks about a band or something. No, even he has bitten an opponent, though. OH: To be fair, #LEXIT does have a real thing?
Which stage of #Lexit is this?
BBC News - Dover delays: Long waits persist for coach passengers
Which stage of #Lexit is this?
Stay silent on human rights to strike deals, Gulf states tell UK – POLITICO
Pub Mate: "Brookes' cartoon (Times, 29/02/23) captures the #AverageVoter's problem with Jeremy #Corbyn - clearly further left than he presented himself. Despite perhaps liking his initial policies, their worry was about where he'd go next if elected (plus the #Lexit crapola, obvs)."
#ukpolitics #uk #Lexit #corbyn #averagevoter
Question for lexiters: if #brexit has successfully increased wages why are strikes needed to demand higher wages?
#brexit #Lexit #brexitiskillingtheuk
"Concern is growing at the top of the #Labour party that [#Brexit] poses a real threat to the success of any future Labour government unless problems such as increased trade friction can be addressed".
Jeremy #Corbyn and his fellow #Lexit fans have already doomed the next Labour government (and the future of the #UK)
#uk #Lexit #corbyn #brexit #labour
Der Unterschied: ich bin Beamtin. Ich darf nicht meckern, muss kuschen, brav arbeiten (gerne auch krank!) und darf nicht demonstrieren. Unser Personalrat ist für den Arsch, der fällt uns höchstens in den Rücken.
#Lexit ? Ich habe nie in die Rentenkasse eingezahlt. Ich wäre am Arsch.
So. Ende. 10/10.