sibaku · @sibaku
65 followers · 225 posts · Server

Hm... I think I will do a little visual intuition doc about the determinant and how it corresponds to area/volume 🤔 I feel that many people are very confused by the when they encounter it in a linear algebra class. At least in mine, it was this weird abstract function (granted, this way of going about things also has its positives), not like a geometric thing. Then you see it popping up in like multivariate integrals with volume elements and its like... huh?

#math #determinant #LiaScript

Last updated 1 year ago

twillo · @twillo
233 followers · 166 posts · Server
Anja Lorenz · @anjalorenz
601 followers · 953 posts · Server

@m_drabe danke für den Link, ich frage mich, wie das so lange an mir vorbeigehen konnte. Ich hatte mir neulich kurz angesehen, das ging in eine ähnliche Richtung.


Last updated 1 year ago

sibaku · @sibaku
10 followers · 45 posts · Server

Coordinate systems are super important in many fields, such as graphics and physics. It is also easy to make mistakes. Wrote a quick explainer with formulas and proofs as a reference for calculations and implementations! Also includes an interactive demo that computes the transformation formulas so you can see how it works and check visually that it is correct!

#LiaScript #computergraphics #math

Last updated 1 year ago

sibaku · @sibaku
10 followers · 33 posts · Server

Here is what happens when a programmer (me) has mostly broken internet for a few weeks. They obsessively program something. In this case: My soon to be (v1) finished geometry library "algeobra"! I made a small showcase to give an impression of its use case. You can find the showcase here:

#LiaScript #javascript

Last updated 2 years ago

Katrin Henzel · @khenz
49 followers · 30 posts · Server

auch die @kieluni beteiligt sich an der - wir bieten am 14.2. und 15.2. jeweils von 13-14 uhr online eine coffee-lecture zum inklusiven an und am 15.2. von 12-14 uhr eine sprechstunde in präsenz zu in studium, forschung und lehre.
das programm mit details inkl. zugangsdaten ist hier zu finden:

das gesamte programm der love data week gibt es hier:

#lovedataweek23 #fdm #LiaScript #fdmpower #fdm_ldw #LoveData23

Last updated 2 years ago

Katrin Henzel · @khenz
49 followers · 30 posts · Server

auch die @kieluni beteiligt sich an der - wir bieten am 14.2. und 15.2. jeweils von 13-14 uhr online eine coffee-lecture zum inklusiven an und am 15.2. von 12-14 uhr eine sprechstunde in präsenz zu in studium, forschung und lehre.
das programm mit details inkl. zugangsdaten ist hier zu finden:

das gesamte programm der love data week mit vielen tollen angeboten ist hier zu finden:

#lovedataweek23 #fdm #LiaScript #fdmpower #fdm_ldw #LoveData23

Last updated 2 years ago

sibaku · @sibaku
7 followers · 2 posts · Server

I will finally use my mastodon account and start with some self promotion!
The first version of my interactive in-browser rasterization fundamentals course is completed! You can go from the first image to the second with all code and theory explained! If you are interested in checking it out, head over here:

The course was made using and

#computergraphics #javascript #LiaScript

Last updated 2 years ago