joreg · @joreg
193 followers · 627 posts · Server
claude · @mathr
287 followers · 2739 posts · Server


I spent some time recently cleaning up (again) my stuff for compiling with so you can run audio patches in the (still without pd-gui support, but you can build custom GUIs to make interactive things).

Instructions at

Hopefully this time around it'll be merged into upstream Pd so I don't have to maintain it.

Haven't retried the stuff yet, but I heard the LLVM bug that was blocking it got fixed, maybe it's filtered down to Emscripten SDK by now...

#gem #webbrowser #emscripten #puredata #pd #LibPd #EmPd

Last updated 3 years ago

claude · @mathr
288 followers · 2739 posts · Server


I spent some time recently cleaning up my stuff for compiling with so you can run audio patches in the (without pd-gui support, but you can build custom GUIs to make interactive things).

Instructions at

Currently working on trying to support via Emscripten's port, but it's frustrating because Gem's `./configure` takes forever and I'm not skilled at stuff to know how to fix it when weird things happen.

I heard has a browser thing now too, maybe I should see how they do it. Don't know if they have Gem there.

#purrdata #autoconf #regal #gem #webbrowser #emscripten #puredata #pd #LibPd #EmPd

Last updated 4 years ago

claude · @mathr
288 followers · 2739 posts · Server

I updated my stuff for the new pd-0.51 release:

It lets you run Pd patches (without the TCL/Tk GUI support) in a web browser.

#emscripten #pd #puredata #LibPd

Last updated 5 years ago

claude · @mathr
288 followers · 2739 posts · Server

I compiled my to using and . at:
(plays automatically in Firefox, you need to click to start playback in Chromium)

More info and links at

EmPd home page is at

(Note: not quite a stock empd, I patched the embedded Pure-data / to expose the internal seed generator for [random] so that my driver script can set it so that Dynamo makes different tracks each time you load the page - the diff is in the Dynamo repository.)

#dynamo #generative #techno #puredata #patch #web #emscripten #EmPd #listen #LibPd

Last updated 5 years ago