@matt LOL. i dont know if i want to make it a subdomain on my domain that's my name or for my company domain. or if i should use one of the many domains I have registered that i'm not using or get a new one. Welcome to the indecisiveness of my #LibraRising 😂
some #Tags about me!
also, for anyone else wanting to do the same, i have recently learned that to help out people who use screen readers, you should always capitalize every word in a tag ☺️
i’m sure i’ll forget so many but you gotta start somewhere! also my interests are constantly changing so i’ll always be talking about some new shit lol
#Queer #Bi #Ace #Neurodivergent #ADHD #AuDHD #Fat #PlusSize #Ambivert #CancerSun #GeminiMoon #LibraRising #Cancer #Gemini #Libra #Astrology #Tarot #Divination #BabyWitch #Goblin #Foodie #Nerd #Writer #BookNerd #Poetry #Poet #Swiftie #ASMR #Giblets #Plushies #Squishmallows #StardewValley #Pokemon #Sims4 #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #ZeldaBOTW #DungeonsAndDragons #DnD #StrangerThings #She-Ra #TheBoys #HarleyQuinn #OwlHouse #ATLA #StudioGhibli #LoveSimon #BeckyAlbertalli #SimonSnow #RainbowRowell #QueerFiction #MikeFlanagan #StephenKing #Horror #Halloween #Exmormon #Utah #VegasBorn #TransAlly #BLM #Pride #HealthAtEverySize #HAES #SocialJustice #ClimateChange
#tags #queer #bi #ace #neurodivergent #adhd #AuDHD #fat #plussize #Ambivert #CancerSun #GeminiMoon #LibraRising #cancer #gemini #libra #astrology #tarot #divination #BabyWitch #goblin #foodie #nerd #writer #booknerd #poetry #poet #swiftie #asmr #giblets #plushies #squishmallows #stardewvalley #pokemon #sims4 #AnimalCrossing #acnh #zeldabotw #dungeonsanddragons #DnD #strangerthings #she #TheBoys #harleyquinn #OwlHouse #atla #StudioGhibli #LoveSimon #BeckyAlbertalli #SimonSnow #RainbowRowell #queerfiction #mikeflanagan #stephenking #horror #halloween #exmormon #utah #VegasBorn #transally #BLM #pride #HealthAtEverySize #haes #SocialJustice #climatechange
#Introduction #Intro #IntroPost
#Aries #AriesSun #LeoMoon #LibraRising #Autistic #Adhd #nonbinary #trans #gay #queer #latinx #hispanic #mexican #MexicanAmerican #poc #qtpoc #WorkingClass #LowIncome
#LosAngeles #EchoPark #nevada #LasVegas
#photography #art #makeup #fashion #food #cooking #AnimalCrossing #StardewValley #marxism #leftism #SocialJustice #DisabilityJustice #PrisonAbolition #AntiRacism #Astrology #AdultStudent
#introduction #intro #intropost #aries #AriesSun #LeoMoon #LibraRising #autistic #adhd #nonbinary #trans #gay #queer #latinx #hispanic #mexican #mexicanamerican #poc #qtpoc #workingclass #lowincome #losangeles #EchoPark #nevada #lasvegas #photography #art #makeup #fashion #food #cooking #animalcrossing #stardewvalley #marxism #leftism #socialjustice #DisabilityJustice #prisonabolition #antiracism #astrology #AdultStudent