HydroponicTrash · @hydroponictrash
1283 followers · 236 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Made a tiny free store for my front yard! For it stocked with small things, food, books, seeds, toilet paper, gonna restock it when it empties. Had to include some stuff that gets me going, and include the design about ending artificial scarcity.

Tiktok uploaded as well if you want to watch! tiktok.com/t/ZTRpmmD21/

#solarpunk #LibrarySocialism

Last updated 2 years ago

alexrkoch · @alexrkoch
1 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.social

Great episode of @srslywrong Podcast: open.spotify.com/episode/2g6hH , made before the Elon-Twitter acquisition. They highlight ways that technology platforms could be designed differently to benefit society. Good to remember that even before Elon's mismanagement, Twitter was always motivated by profit, fundamentally undermining its usefulness to people and community-building.

#twitter #LibrarySocialism #srslywrong #elonmusk

Last updated 2 years ago

Apollo Lemmon · @apollo
236 followers · 1472 posts · Server seizemeans.com

The latest episode of Srsly Wrong outlines two big ideas from Library Socialism: the universal library and the usufruct system.


#LibrarySocialism #universallibrary #usufruct #SrslyWrong

Last updated 2 years ago

Apollo Lemmon · @apollo
193 followers · 1274 posts · Server seizemeans.com

SRSLY Wrong’s Library Socialism Q&A on Food and Consumables

At the end of November, SRSLY Wrong released another Q&A episode, exploring how consumables could be approached in a society shaped around Library Socialism. It offers answers to those usual objections to how a post-capitalist world would work.


#SrslyWrong #LibrarySocialism #consumables

Last updated 2 years ago

HydroponicTrash · @hydroponictrash
861 followers · 128 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Continuing down the thought thread of connecting ecovillages or federated communities into a common tech stack. This time about and , and how communities might be able to request and offer goods and services without the need for monetary exchange, and in a way that kinda follows a library of everything approach to things.

A big thing I see in subverting capitalism, and building new forms of living and organizing, is by decommodifying as much as we can. A great way to do that is to look at meeting people's basic needs, and having a way for people to both ask for something, and give something, without paying money. I guess it comes down to social capital, but I don't really like that term, and it fits better with the term gift economy anyways. In some forms it can be mutual aid, other times it can just be meeting a need when it comes up.

The concrete "how" on doing this might look like timebanks. I really like the software from timebanks.org though it doesn't have a self host option and requires an internet connection. Locally to me denton.timebanks.org is a great example where people can offer things, and request things as well. So it can be a very quick way of seeing the needs of people, and trying to meet those needs.

In terms of lending libraries, there isn't anything so far that I found that is free and open source that can handle things well. Most of the FOSS stuff is related to libraries. koha-community.org/ is a good example of this. I wish there was a way to have a library of things as well (though I guess with some finessing you could make it work)

I think it would be awesome to have the two combined, in the way that timebanks works, where people can request and offer things, combined with a more concrete way of tracking what has been lent to who.

Different communities could have their own internal sharing sites, on their own internal intranet-networks. But also they can connect, federate or be interoperable with other communities as a whole. So if a request in the community net is there, an offer can be found to meet that need. That way each community maintains their autonomy, while also being well-connected with the world at large and able to help move resources around. It would be great to have something that combines these ideas together in one place to make it alot easier, and also have it free and open source, so anyone can use it.

It's the start of an idea at least. It might be a good place to start for a real world experiment, of federated, interconnected communities that use technology as a way to connect with others, while organizing things horizontally and equitably, while maintaining a balance with the ecosystem by making bioregional+permaculture+indegenous knowledge led ecovillages.

#LibraryEconomy #LibrarySocialism #solarpunk

Last updated 2 years ago

· @kostyn
31 followers · 43 posts · Server mastodon.social
Super User Do · @sudo
32 followers · 204 posts · Server kolektiva.social

======= Idea for libraries =======

Userfructian property relations existing in the commons is an important part of duel power.

However since we live under the watchful eye of the state, and its property system, maintaining a commons is difficult.

I think technology can help. Specifically, peer-to-peer and cryptographic technologies can add alot.

If you like Web 3 is about peer to peer infrastructure. Web 3.1 was a first attempt at that, which leaned heavenly on recreating standard property relations with in a peer-to-peer and critically a trust-less environment.

Web 3.1 has been a failure, but the arguments for Web 3 still hold.
I think the technology works best when its facilitating sharing, rather then hording. Web 3.2.

What I have in mind is a system that works as a distributed library of things. Tracking the history of objects, and streamlining the sharing, and protecting against abuses of the commons. For example someone borrowing things from the commons, and then selling them into the abuses economy, or repeatedly destroying things.

The approach of Web 3.2 is not trust-less but rather enumerated trust. The technology should facilitate your judgment as to whether you trust someone enough to give them guardianship over some objects in your care.

I think there may be some issues regarding privacy, since trust and privacy are often opposing directions.

I recognize that the commons can often be kept informal and unmanaged, but I still think having a system to make userfructian relations ergonomic would help in the flexibility, scalability and viability of the commons. and of duel power.

#LibrarySocialism #web3 #web32 #dulepower

Last updated 2 years ago

Hotzenplotz · @hotzenplotz
47 followers · 101 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Gesellschaft organisieren mit der Philosophie einer Bibliothek? Gutes Leben für alle, in ökologisch.
Dicke Empfehlung für dieses Video zu



Last updated 2 years ago

Apollo Lemmon · @apollo
152 followers · 1149 posts · Server seizemeans.com

SRSLY Wrong’s Library Socialism Q&A

In the latest podcast episode from SRSLY Wrong on Library Socialism, they answer some questions about how they envision a society shaped around this politics working.


#SrslyWrong #LibrarySocialism #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #Degrowth

Last updated 2 years ago

Hotzenplotz · @hotzenplotz
47 followers · 101 posts · Server climatejustice.social

@pezmico @srslywrong dedicated several podcasts to the exploration of ideas around - applying the concept/mental image of the library to other aspects of life.
Absolutely worth tuning in...


Last updated 3 years ago

Apollo Lemmon · @apollo
152 followers · 1149 posts · Server seizemeans.com

Library Socialism

Libraries are wholly wonderful projects and are models for how we could have access to most things we want and need.


#SrslyWrong #socialism #LibrarySocialism #libraries #communism

Last updated 5 years ago